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ArcheAge: Saving and loading character models (Presets)

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Upload: 31 May 2022, 11:04
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
ArcheAge: Saving and loading character models (Presets)

The features of the character editor in ArcheAge make many spend hours to choose the perfect look. And someone spends time in the makeup studio simply because they like change or believe that a new hairstyle attracts the attention of Lady Fortune and increases the chances of a successful sharpening. So for those who carefully choose their character's traits, we have prepared a small reminder about the editor's useful feature - saving and loading appearance settings. It comes in handy in many cases: for example, if you get distracted and did not have time to finish the setup, or if you want to be able to return to the previous look after the changes you made get bored.

Using this feature is very easy. When creating a new character or in the make-up studio, in the lower right corner of the screen you can find the "Save" and "Load" buttons. The first, as you already understood, is responsible for saving the current settings: click on it, give the template a name, confirm, and you're done.

Using the second one, you can load previously saved templates by selecting them in the list that appears after clicking the button. If you changed the appearance parameters in any way before loading, they will be reset and will correspond to those specified in the template itself.

Please note that settings are saved for a specific race and gender of the character. Therefore, if you saved the template for the harnyka, you will not be able to apply it to the elf.

If you want to share a particularly successful template with an appreciative audience, you can find it in the game's profile folder - that is, in the ArcheAge folder in the "My Documents" directory. In it, open the USER folder, and then - Custom. It is there that files with templates are located, named according to the principle race_sex_SetName - just select the one you need and put it on a file hosting service convenient for you. And if you want to use a template created by someone else, then, accordingly, you need to copy it to the Custom folder.

Good luck experimenting with the appearance of the heroes!

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