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5e Potions 157KB

5e Potions

12 Aug 2023

Changes the durations and prices of the potions in Baldur's Gate 3 to that of the source material, 5e PHB. An info.json file is now included. Works with BG3ModManager.exe and now hopefully all other mod mangers.

Full Release Mod Fixer v1.15

Full Release Mod Fixer v1.15

06 Aug 2023
1 533

A Mod Fixer is required for mods to work in the full release of the game! This does the same as Patch 3 Mod Fixer, but with a clearer name, so hopefully more people understand it's required!

Patch 3 Mod Fixer v1.1 1KB

Patch 3 Mod Fixer v1.1

25 Jul 2023
1 268

This pak forces the story to recompile, allowing pak mods to work with Patch 3 of BG3 Early Access. Just drop this mod into your mods folder and it will make them work!