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Change Starting Settlement 790 kB

Change Starting Settlement

03 May 2022

Allows you to start the campaign from any settlement of your choice: when you start a new campaign the mod adds a button (see first screenshot) that allows you to click on any settlement on the map, it then gives you ownership and teleports your lords and agents there. Your old settlements turn

Armoured Tyrants 28.5 MB

Armoured Tyrants

03 May 2022

Tyrants are the rulers of the ogre tribes, keeping allies and enemies in line alike. So, they are insanely strong and experienced individuals. Unfortunately, the vanilla tyrants rather look like fat part-time bullies.

Radious Total War Mod (All Part) 281 MB

Radious Total War Mod (All Part)

03 May 2022
2 774

Complete game overhaul mod, which offers to players big changes in campaign AI, diplomacy, land battles, reworking abilities, spells, magic, changes buildings, re-balances all unit stats and costs, reworks experience system and much more with additions of custom made units for all in game factions.

Decline Diplomacy

Decline Diplomacy

02 May 2022

Adds a UI button next to the existing pause and fast forward buttons that will automatically decline any incoming diplomatic actions towards the player, and close all the relevant menus, so the turn keeps going.