Pretty straight forward here. You have Graham crackers, chocolate and a marshmallow why can't you have a Smore?
Pretty straight forward here. You have Graham crackers, chocolate and a marshmallow why can't you have a Smore?
Regular herbs you can forage can now be put in about any evolved recipe - stir fry, soup, stew, and more! You can also take four of any herb and crush them down into a shaker with a mortar and pestle! Efficiency!
Overwrites Maple Syrup to be recognized as a condiment so that it can be added to Pancakes and Waffles to produce "Maple Syrup Pancakes" and "Maple Syrup Waffles".
This lore friendly mod adds two junk foods Twinkies & Snoballs as well as a Hostess Van into Project Zomboid.
This addon is a relatively simple mod which adds in additional foods and beverages for your character to gorge themselves on - ranging from giant tubs of cheese balls down to individual pieces of candy.
Adds pre-war food from the fallout universe . This is my first mod and is still very much a work in progress.
Did you ever want to chug some Polish beers while living during an apocalypse? Say no more, this mod allows you exactly that!
5 tipos de gaseosas, de la marca Manaos de Argentina, que puedes encontrar en tus partidas! son botellas de 2,25 Litros, que cuando se gastan, se pueden rellenar con agua.
This mod expands the vanila options for the Cooking category, adding more recipes, weapons and food related item drops.
Adds marijuana and loose tobacco (including farming) to the game to spice up smoking in Zomboid.
Adds different Pizzas & ingredients to the game, along with a craftable recipe for Marinara sauce, and now Rum Ham!
New Brewing skill tied to the process of brewing and how to unlock more complicated recipes New Skill books to help in the process of leveling that new skill
This mod allows you the ability to create the existing produce sacks in the game, which decay in the same way as normal produce, allowing a balanced experience