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Basemental Gangs 6.22.71 (Patreon) / 6.20.62 (Public) (03.01.2025) 

Upload: 21 Mar 2022, 09:52
Last updated: 1-03-2025, 20:52
Created by: Basemental [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Edit Reason: Version updated Public - 1-03-2025, 20:52 » [Aqxaro]
Basemental Gangs 6.22.71 (Patreon) / 6.20.62 (Public) (03.01.2025)

Basemental Gangs 6.22.71 (Patreon) / 6.20.62 (Public) (03.01.2025)

This mod will add real factions and gangs to your game! Gang rivalry, pinpoint control of your own gang members, using gang members as drug smugglers, running operations from your own gang headquarters, exclusive new options from your right hand, and much, much more.

Download links (Patreon) :
[1.58-1.60] Basemental Gangs 3.15.53 (02.08.2020)
[1.59-1.62] Basemental Gangs 4.15.55 (04.09.2020)
[1.60-1.63] Basemental Gangs 4.15.56 (16.05. 2020)
[1.60-1.63] Basemental Gangs 5.15.57 (06/04/2020)
[1.63-1.67] Basemental Gangs 5.15.58 (06/08/2020) 
[1.63-1.68] Basemental Gangs 6.15.59 (11/11/2020)
[1.63-1.70] Basemental Gangs 6.15.60 (11/13/2020)
[1.67-1.72] Basemental Gangs 6.18.61 (04/23/2021)
[1.71-1.80] Basemental Gangs 6.18.62 (07/26/2021)
[1.73-1.84] Basemental Gangs 6.18.63 (03.11.2021)
[1.84-1.94] Basemental Gangs 6.22.64 (26.07.2022)
[1.101-1.103] Basemental Gangs 6.22.65 (31.10.2023)
[1.105-1.105] Basemental Gangs 6.22.66 (07.03.2024) 
[1.106-1.106] Basemental Gangs 6.22.68 (19.04.2024)
[1.106-1.108] Basemental Gangs 6.22.69 (24.07.2024)
[1.108-1.109] Basemental Gangs 6.22.70 (04.10.2024) 
[1.110-1.110] Basemental Gangs 6.22.71 (08.11.2024) (Latest Version)

Download links (Public):
[1.63-1.67] Basemental Gangs 4.11.50 (04.06.2020) 
[1.63-1.68] Basemental Gangs 5.11.52 (11.11.2020)
[1.63-1.68] Basemental Gangs 5.11.53 (13.11. 2020)
[1.69-1.80] Basemental Gangs 5.11.55 (22.07.2021)
[1.80-1.90] Basemental Gangs 6.18.56 (03.11.2021)
[1.86-1.91] Basemental Gangs 6.20.57 (02.09.2022)
[1.100-1.103] Basemental Gangs 6.20.58 (01.11.2023) 
[1.105-1.105] Basemental Gangs 6.20.59 (07.03.2024)
[1.105-1.109] Basemental Gangs 6.20.60 (24.07.2024)
[1.113-1.113] Basemental Gangs 6.20.62 (03.01.2025) (Latest version)


 Russian translation Â»  6.18.56  | 6.18.63  Author:  esqdumper
 Russian translation Â»  6.18.62  Author: 0BOBUS228
 Russian translation Â»  4.15.56  Author: trail_of_blood
 Portugues-BR Translation Â»  6.18.56  | 6.18.63  Author:  amazonidagirl
 German Translation Â»  6.18.56  Author:  LittleDog1002
 German Translation Â»  6.18.63  Author:  LittleDog1002
 German Translation Â»  6.18.63  Author:  Markan
 Chinese Translation Â»  5.11.53  Author:  soullover
 Italian Translation Â»  5.11.53  Author:  ISY'S TRANSLATIONS
 Spanish Translation »  6.18.56  Author:  ibuprox

Venue List:  Basemental - Venue List.package Bodyguards

added! Now your character will be safe :)
Anyway, the mod is just a great addition to the Basemental Drugs mod (I think everyone knows about it)

Valentine's Thrills Collaboration 13 MB

Valentine's Thrills Collaboration NSFW

10 May 2022
6 216

I have a few things to give your sims this Valentines day... 100% new mesh and textures all LODS 9 swatches for ears 9 swatches for choker & male version 19 swatches for bra/top

The minimum comment length is 10 characters.
  1. V
    Vick Tick [Users]
    8 November 2024 12:38

    Hello, Basemental Gangs is updated to V6.22.71.


  2. E
    Ewa [Guests]
    24 July 2024 21:38

    Hello :) Please update Patreon version to Basemental Gangs 6.22.69

    1. PLGDante
      PLGDante [Moderator]
      24 July 2024 22:28


  3. x
    xxRustyShacklefordxx [Users]
    27 April 2024 04:42

    Latest version (as of 4/26/24) gives me the error that an outdated version has been installed. Anyone else get this?

    1. PLGDante
      PLGDante [Moderator]
      27 April 2024 11:08

      mine version is fine. no error

      1. x
        xxRustyShacklefordxx [Users]
        27 April 2024 14:12

        I must have done something wrong because I re-downloaded it and everything is working fine, Apologies for any confusion!

        1. PLGDante
          PLGDante [Moderator]
          27 April 2024 15:10

          it´s ok.. ;-)