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Adult TV channels & movies (30/03/21) 1.7.1  

Upload: 18 Apr 2022, 07:20
Created by: Big Zhbr [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Adult TV channels & movies (30/03/21) 1.7.1

I want to present adult TV channels & movies to you. Now this mod includes replacements for 7 channels and 10 movies.

I'm updating this mod. Mod changes channel & movies names too: Watch news >> Watch 3D Lol compilation. More info, early acces and stuff can find at my Patreon.

Installation and requires:

Put .package files to Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods

"All in one" download includes links for all TV channels and movies in one archive.

WARNING! For movies you should have Movie hangout stuff DLC. For channels not requeirs.

WARNING! You can not have 2 mods that replace the same channels or movies. So if you are already using another channel and movie replacement you should remove them.


TV channels: Sometimes videos can freeze. In order to fix it, write "testingcheats true" in the console, then just shift + right click on TV, and select "Reset Object". This is normal, because the game is problematic to play long videos. It shouldn't happens at movies.

Movies: All movies are 2:00-2:20 in game. Sim off TV when movie finished. Mod includes shorter videos, so i just added black screen at end of movies. So don't be alarmed if you see black screen. And because of these limitations in video length, I have created some movies in parts.

Let me know if you found error.

Sex Addict Aspiration Mod

Sex Addict Aspiration Mod NSFW

20 Jun 2022
5 630

This is my first attempt at creating a mod for the Sims 4. I made it with the Sims 4 Mod Constructor, it's really simple and it consists of a new aspiration, Sex Addict, and its two tracks that your sims can follow..

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