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[Noir and Dark Sims 4] Pornstar Cock V7 + Condoms (12.03.2025)  

Upload: 05 Jul 2022, 05:14
Last updated: 13-03-2025, 08:50
Created by: Noir
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

All meshes of this model were updated and improved. Some minor changes are needed like adding new thumbnails for CAS and finishing a sample image for all genders, sizes, and types of p*nises. Regardless of that, the mod can be used as normal and now will be compatible with anus animations.

The rigs for animators can be downloaded on a separate file.


  • For base game.
  • For males and females.
  • For teen to elder.
  • All hard p*nises are rigged.
  • Non-default p*nises, visibles on CAS.
  • Compatible with HQ Mod.
  • P*nises and condoms for WickedWhims.
  • Compatible with default and non-default custom skins and skintones.
  • Compatible with default and non-default p*nis mods.
  • The overlay textures for the p*nises are included on the meshes.


  • 100 Package files.
  • 5 P*nis sizes: Small, Average, Big, Extra Big and Huge.
  • 4 Hard styles: Normal and Thick [Cut and Uncut].
  • 4 Soft styles: Normal and Thick [Cut and Uncut].
  • 84 Skin swatches for the p*nis on tattoos and makeup (blush).
  • 1 Tuning file for WickedWhims.
  • 12 Condom swatches in tattoos.
  • 1 Condom wrapper in plants with 12 swatches [Compatible with WickedWhims].
  • 1 Condoms Box in activities > exercises (can be purchased on the computer).
  • Images Samples.

Features of the Update 2022/07/01:

  • Added compatibility for the last version of Wicked Whims.
  • Added new leg mesh for males and females. Includes a more detailed body and an openable anus.
  • The mesh for all p*nises was improved and cleaned.
  • All p*nises were modified to be adapted to the new body, no changes were made for the skin swatches or condoms.
  • Weight paint was improved and modified.
  • Uv map and morphs were improved.
  • The mesh for soft p*nises has changed and now they have a more resemblance with his hard contra part.


  • Delete all the files of the old version for this mod if you have them.
  • Decompress this file with 7-zip and move the content of the folder to My Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mods.
  • In case of having problems to run the game after adding this mod. Move the package files to only one folder inside Mods.

Creation Notes:

  • Meshes and textures made by me.
Porn scenes for Movie Hangout Stuff pack 1.0.1 1,2 GB

Porn scenes for Movie Hangout Stuff pack 1.0.1 NSFW

02 Apr 2023
5 565

Hi there! These are replacements for the movies added by the Movie Hangout Stuff Pack, so you will need the Movie Hangout Stuff pack to see them in-game! Video and sound quality of all the files are great, they are between 10 and 15 minutes long each

The minimum comment length is 10 characters.
  1. Zelnogar
    Zelnogar [Users]
    Yesterday, 02:59

    This new update works perfectly, the previous version was giving problems when the game was updated to the latest version but with this new version of this mod everything is perfect and I have already tested the game version 1.113.291

    funciona perfecto esta nueva actualización, la version anterior está dando problemas cuando el juego se actualizo ah la ultima version pero con esta nueva version de este mod esta perfecto todo ya la probe version del juego 1.113.291 

    Essa nova atualização funciona perfeitamente, a versão anterior estava dando problemas quando o jogo foi atualizado para a versão mais recente, mas com essa nova versão desse mod está tudo perfeito e já testei a versão do jogo 1.113.291


  2. R
    Roki [Users]
    21 October 2024 20:22

    Пиветики а нельзя ли обновить данный модик!!!