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Basemental Inspired Sex Addiction Mod 1.3.4  

Upload: 30 Mar 2022, 10:11
Created by: Docche [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Basemental Inspired Sex Addiction Mod 1.3.4

This mod was heavily inspired by the great work of the Basemental team and their Basemental Drugs mod. This mod would not exist if their's didn't.

This mod adds the possibility of your Sim developing a sex addiction due to having too much sex.

After having Woohoo at least 2 times in 24h your Sim will get a buff, showing the increasing desire for the Sim to continue having sex. If your Sim ignores this warning, or in other words acts on this desire, he/she might acquire an addiction debuff, it will last 5 days and will be renewed every time the Sim has WooHoo. Your Sim will also experience increased fun and social need decay. If your Sim manages to abstain from sex for 5 days straight, he/she will have beaten the addiction but has an increased likeliness of reacquiring their addiction. Additionally, addicted Sims may loose small amounts of reputation when having Sex.

If your Sim is unflirty and gets addicted, he/she will have their trait removed and replaced by the romantic trait.

Your Sim may confess their unfortunate condition to other Sims. This can lead to a myriad of different outcomes...


When having Sex, Celebrities may have the fact that they are Sex Addicts leaked to the public. This will lead to a huge gain in fame but an equally huge loss in popularity. The probability of this occurring is based on the Sim's fame, meaning a Sim with a high celebrity level has a greater chance of this leak occurring than one with a low level.


If you want your Sim not to get addicted, limit their WooHoo interactions to max 2 in 20h and don't let your Sim have Sex if he/she has the "I wanna do it again!" buff and your Sim will not develop any Addiction. (or just don't use this mod, that works as well...)


Compatibility & Requirements


This mod does not require any other mod to function. WickedWhims is NOT required, though highly recommended, both WW sex as well as the default WooHoo interaction can trigger the effects of this mod.

BasementalDrugs is also not required. While the Sex Addiction is conceived in a similar way to BMD's addictions, there is no actual overlap and this mod may be used independently from BMD.


- Brazilian Portuguese (Thank you simlover124)

- Chinese (Thank you wwwby886622)

- English (Obviously)

- German

- Russian (Thank you farinelli)

- Spanish (Thank you 121415)

You are free to re-upload a translated version of this mod if you give credit via linking here. Please let me know if you do, so I can link to this translation.

Sims Yasmin 101.85 MB

Sims Yasmin NSFW

21 Jun 2023
7 467

First, unzip the mods Copy the uncompressed files to the: Documents folder »Electronic Arts» The Sims 4 »Mods

Female Body Hair 12 MB Exclusive

Female Body Hair NSFW

18 Dec 2023
6 893

The body hair includes five pubic hair styles, three arm hair styles and three leg hair styles. The arm and leg hair match the male options, both for continuity and equality, but have been adjusted to fit the UV layout of a female sim's body.

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