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Blacked Addon for sirsleepy's Big Dick Problems  

Upload: 01 Jul 2022, 15:23
Created by: oxoxoxxx [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Version: 1.1.0
Blacked Addon for sirsleepy's Big Dick Problems



Big Dick Problems by sirsleepy

WickedWhims by TURBODRIVER


AEP Pornography by Ksuihuh (For the Social Event)

Get Famous DLC (For the Social Event)

Discover University DLC (For the Thematic Poster)


1. Extract the archive

2. Put the !oxoxoxxx_BlackedAddon.package and !oxoxoxxx_BlackedAddon.ts4script files into the same folder where you have sirsleepy's Big Dick Problem mod installed

3. Do not rename the files


Whenever a female Sim has sex with a Sim who has a Big Black Cock trait she receives a Blacked reward trait. Sim with a Blacked reward trait can gossip about Big Black Cock with her friends and make them curious about Big Black Cock

The curious Sim will receive a Dirty Fantasies buff which makes them tense, it lasts 2 hours and can be dispelled by masturbation or sex with a Big Dick Sim. The curious Sim are also more flirty when Big Black Cock Sims are around. If the curious Sim fails to get Blacked in 10 days it loses it's curiosity

What's New in Version 1.1.0

  • Sims with Blacked trait get tense moodlet for 2 hours if they didn't have sex with Big Black Cock Sims for 24 hours
  • Sims with Blacked trait get angry moodlet for 4 hours if they didn't have sex with Big Black Cock Sims for more than 2 days
  • Sims get curious about Big Black Cock when they notice their bulge
  • Added a thematic poster, when you look at it you can receive 1 out of the 4 moodlets depending on your Sims traits, female Sims can get curious about Big Black Cock after looking at it (Requires Discover University DLC)
  • Naked Sims with average dicks will get insecure around naked Big Black Cock Sims if their significant other has Oh my... moodlet
  • Big Black Cock Sims get confident moodlet when they have sex with Sims who cheat on their significant other, the moodlet lasts 4 hours
  • If Sim with an average dick catches his significant other cheating on him with a Big Black Cock Sims it will get an angry moodlet for 4 hours
  • Added Social Event First Big Black Cock (Requires AEP Pornography mod and Get Famous DLC)
  • To participate in the event your female Sim needs to be a Pornstar or Webcam model (Those are AEP Pornography mod features) and be curious about Big Black Cock. The co-star needs to have a Big Black Cock trait. Available venues are the Acting Studio, Photography Studio and Generic
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  1. a
    a GUEST [Guests]
    4 November 2024 22:37


  2. N
    Name [Guests]
    23 October 2023 02:39

    Any chance this works again with Khlas BigDick Mod?