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AEP Career / AEP Pornography Mod 4.7.5 (22.11.2022)  

Upload: 21 Mar 2022, 04:02
Last updated: 4-05-2023, 19:04
Created by: Ksuihuh [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Edit Reason: Version updated to 4.7.5 + Updated German Translation - 4-05-2023, 19:04 » [PLGDante]
AEP Career / AEP Pornography Mod 4.7.5 (22.11.2022)

Patreon AEP_Pornography 4.7.5 (22.11.2022) // Public AEP_Pornography 4.7.3b (10.11.2022)

Mod adds a new career for your sims. More precisely, you can become the most popular Porn Star in the world, or a super-duper Director of adult films.

The AEP Pornography Mod adds Pornographic Film Studio Career at 'Adult Entertainment Production' with two branches: Production and Acting. You start as Webcam Model and climb the ladder of the Adult Industry. You will get the opportunity to build your career officially or just be an independent camgirl and earn your money streaming at home. You also can record sex videos and upload them on the Simternet! You will get fanmail from loyal fans and invitations for Erotic Photoshoots in which you can actively participate! You even can get Starlight Venus Award for your achievements in Adult Industry! Don't wait! The glamorous life of a famous Porn Star awaits you and there is so much more to discover!

Add-ons required

  • To work
  • Life in the city
  • Path to glory

Recommended Mods
Wicked Whims by TURBODRIVER
Nisa's Wicked Perversions by NisaK

Video Station Mod add-on for AEP Pornography.
Photo Studio: AEP Photo Studio (Optional version)
Lot for AEP ModernVideoStudio

Download Chinese Translation
Download Russian translation by Risako
Download German translation by PLGDante
Download Spanish translation by Lightsim
Download Polish translation by astercholik

Patreon version:
Download AEP Pornography 4.3.1 (29.10.2019) for 1.51-1.52
Download AEP Pornography 4.3.2 (16.11.2019) for 1.52-1.59
Download AEP Pornography 4.3 .3 (19.01.2020) for 1.56-1.61
Download AEP Pornography 4.4.0 (16.02.2020) for 1.56-1.61
Download AEP Pornography 4.4.2 (25.04.2020)for 1.56-1.62
Download AEP Pornography 4.4.3 (28.04.2020) for 1.56-1.62
Download AEP Pornography 4.4.4 (29.04.2020) for 1.56-1.62
Download AEP Pornography 4.4.5 (07.05.2020) for 1.60-1.64
Download AEP Pornography 4.4.6 (04.06.2020) for 1.60-1.64
Download AEP Pornography 4.4.7 (05.06.2020) for 1.60-1.64
Download AEP Pornography 4.4.9 (18.06.2020) for 1.60-1.64
Download AEP Pornography 4.5.0 (07.07.2020) for 1.60-1.65
Download AEP Pornography 4.5.1 (09.06.2020) for 1.61-1.66
Download AEP Pornography 4.6.1 (10.15.2020)for 1.63-1.67
Download AEP Pornography 4.6.3 (14.11.2020) for 1.64-1.68
Download AEP Pornography 4.6.4 (07.12.2020) for 1.66-1.69
Download AEP Pornography 4.6.5 (15.12.2020) for 1.66-1.69
Download AEP Pornography 4.6.6 (01/19/2021) for 1.66-1.69
Download AEP Pornography 4.6.7 (01/22/2021) for 1.68-1.76
Download AEP Pornography 4.6.8 (07/25/2021) for 1.71-1.77
Download AEP Pornography 4.7.1 (31.07.2022) for 1.84-1.90
Download AEP Pornography 4.7.2 (05.08.2022) for 1.89-1.93
Download AEP Pornography 4.7.4 (10.11.2022) for 1.90-1.93
Download AEP Pornography 4.7.5 (22.11.2022) for 1.90-1.93 (latest patreon version)

Public versions:
Download  AEP Pornography 4.7.3b (10.11.2022) - public version for 1.93
Download  AEP Pornography 4.7.3a (13.10.2022) - public version for 1.91-1.92
Download  AEP Pornography 4.7.2a (05.08.2022) - public version for 1.84-1.90
 AEP Pornography 4.3.3a (25.07.2021) - public version for 1.70-1.84
Download  AEP Pornography 4.3.2c (08.02.2021) - public version for 1.70-1.76
Download  AEP Pornography 4.3.2b (01/19/2021) - public version for 1.69
Download  AEP Pornography 4.3.2a (12/15/2020) - public version for 1.69
Download  AEP Pornography 4.3.1b (11/26/2020) - public version for 1.68
Download  AEP Pornography 4.3.1a (14.11. 2020) - public version for 1.68
Download  AEP Pornography 4.3.0d (06.09.2020) - public version for 1.66.139
Download  AEP Pornography 4.3.0c (24.08.2020) - public version for 1.65.77
Download  AEP Pornography 4.3.0b (13.08.2020) - public version for 1.65.70 
Download  AEP Pornography 4.3.0a (10.07.2020) - public version for 1.64.84
Download  AEP Pornography 4.2.5b (06/09/2020) - public version for 1.63
Download  AEP Pornography 4.2.5a (02/17/2020) - public version for 1.62.67

The AEP Pornography  mod adds a career in the porn studio "Adult Entertainment Production" with two specializations: producer and porn actor. You will start as a web model and work your way up the adult industry. You can officially get into "AEP", or earn money from home by streaming. You will also be able to record porn and upload it to the simternet! You will receive letters from loyal fans and invitations to erotic photo sessions in which you can take an active part! You can even win the Venus Starlight Award for your achievements in the porn industry! Don't delay! The glamorous life of a famous porn star is waiting for you, there is so much more to discover!


A new menu ' ' will appear on the computer where you can find interactions to 'watch porn' as well as 'create a channel' in AEP "Live Cams". shows There is a 24-hour cooldown period for live interaction, you can also talk to your followers and get famous.


After creating a channel on "LiveCams" and getting enough subscribers, your Sim will start receiving Fanmails from fans. If you want your Sim to get naughty items, you will need to download a couple of CCs . You can find a list of items with links below or in the changelog and installation and gameplay guide.

List of AEP FanMail CC :
BDSM Devices by YrSa

  • If your Sim decides to pursue a career as a porn star through an official job, then in the acting department they will have access to advertising deals on the computer. The higher your level, the more deals you get. You'll get paid for it, and you can even send in some custom condoms to try.
  • If your Sim is in the acting career branch, they can sell their phone interview. You can find this interaction on the phone. Salary depends on the success of the interview.
  • If you have a channel on "LiveCams", you can get an invitation to an erotic photo shoot. You will receive a call, after which you will be automatically transferred to the event. This is an active event where you will need to complete tasks and your salary will depend on how well you complete them. You need a place, a special place for it, to work. You can download on my website . Read the installation instructions carefully! Especially if you use custom sites from other creators!

  • After the photo shoot, you can get your photos by clicking the "Ask for photos" button. You can only take one photo at a time.
  • You can also hire a photographer at home. For this you will need 'in a flash photo studio'.
  • You can record sex videos and upload them to Simternet. To do this, you will use the custom Vivus 3000 camera to record and download video stations from the "Get Famous" package. The type of video you end up with depends on how satisfied your Sim is. 

The computer also has a Media Studio menu where your Sim can practice editing skills. Additional interactions will be added later.


- Download only one version of the mod.
- Extract files from the archive.
- Place the .package and .ts4script files in the Mods folder. To do this, go to Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mods.
- Download the translation. Extract the files from the archive and drop them into the mod folder.

Make sure you only have one copy of Neia_Career_Commons.
Download photo studio here .

Make sure you only have one VenueList in the Mods folder. KsuihuhVenueList already contains all existing sites of other modders that the author knows аbout: LittleMsSam's, Zerbu's, Basemental's, Coolspear's Multipark Venue and itasan2's Get To College Mod. So if you are using one of these authors' mods, remove their VenueList and keep only KsuihuhVenueList.

Make sure you have scripted mods enabled in your game. To do this, go to the game settings, go to the "Other" section and check the box (if it's not checked) next to "Script mods are allowed".
Stoner Traits

Stoner Traits NSFW

22 Apr 2022
2 892

Have you been waiting for the mod of this category? This time we want to introduce you to a new character trait that is perfect for playing the role of a drug addict in the game, well, not all characters can be good!

The minimum comment length is 10 characters.
  1. R
    Roki [Users]
    13 November 2024 11:35

    Всем привет хочу спросить а есть ли данный мод выше 2022 года я Патреоне посмотрел там вроде как от 2023 года!!!

  2. P
    Pixel_Angel [Users]
    22 April 2024 14:51

    Hello. But please tell me. And this latest version of the mod for 2022, will it work on the latest version of the game

    1. Aqxaro
      Aqxaro [Admin]
      22 April 2024 16:23

      Hello, no. Author is no longer updating mod

      1. P
        Pixel_Angel [Users]
        22 April 2024 21:34

        Clearly! And are there any analogues of this fashion also related to the porn industry?

        1. Aqxaro
          Aqxaro [Admin]
          23 April 2024 05:59

          As far as I know, no 

  3. Гена Ситников
    Гена Ситников [Users]
    10 December 2023 18:16

    Всем привет!!!Подскажите пожалуйста а есть такой мод для версии игры(

    1. Aqxaro
      Aqxaro [Admin]
      10 December 2023 19:07

      updates are currently suspended

      1. Гена Ситников
        Гена Ситников [Users]
        10 December 2023 19:15

        Привет!!!Ясненько спасибо!!!

  4. F
    FORAD [Guests]
    3 November 2023 19:33

    Hello, I have 2 big problems:

    the first is that no matter how much I install everything you've recommended, I can't get the "studio porn" line where I've placed your studio.

    the 2nd problem is that when i want to attend the porn event, the conditions require a star, a co-star, a cameraman and a producer. but i can only put one person from my household as the main star. for the other roles, they suggest people i know to put them in that place. what solutions do you think i can do

  5. D
    Durmus [Guests]
    10 December 2022 16:54

    My Sims 4 version is 1.87.40. If I download AEP Pornography for version 1.84-1.90, will it be compatible?

    1. PLGDante
      PLGDante [Moderator]
      10 December 2022 20:28

      normally yes

  6. D
    Desiree [Guests]
    31 October 2022 00:24

    I have packs needed, downloaded, extracted, put correct files, it only shows up in jobs but not on computer? any help? 

    1. S
      Samox [Guests]
      23 September 2023 12:54

      Work only in the root folder \mod\aep
      Otherwise the mod don't show option "AEP" in game