The Perverted Expansion Pack / Skarrds (Patreon) 2.7.0 [Exclusive]
Introduction & Trait Basics
The first thing that should be said about Skarrds Traits is the traits are linked to each other. Symbiotic. Yin and yang. One is the hunter, the predator. (The Pervert) The other is the prey, the victim (The Sexually Awkward) Applying only one of these traits will miss out on most of the fun and features of the mod as the buffs and moods that appear are dynamic. So it depends on what your sim is doing, who they are with, how they are dressed, etc. You must have both types of sims to enjoy most of the additional features! The traits are only available for Sims ages teen, young adult, adult and elder. Compatible for male, female and same sex.
These are special traits and are only available through game play. They are NOT available in CAS. There are 2 ways to add Skarrds Traits to your sims. The first way is through dialog options. (Found in the "Friendly" dialog pie menu when speaking to other sims) The other way is by purchasing the traits from the reward store. (*note, if traits do not appear, make sure you have installed the required files. See Required Files section*)
This is the sexually aggressive, horny type of character. They become flirty and aroused easily and have large sexual appetites. Sims with these traits applied are "outfit aware". For example: They will become flirty if they are close to another sim who is wearing sleepwear, underwear, undressed or nude or if they themselves are in sleepwear, undressed or nude. (Wicked Whims compatible) The effects are dynamic so it depends on who those other sims are. A Perverts exclusive dialog options are provocative and perverted. (usually offensive to the Sexually Awkward sim). And the social interactions available are dynamic as well, so it depends on what your sim is doing, who they are with (are they Sexually Awkward or a Pervert) (and what age are they), what are they wearing, etc.
This is the sexually inhibited, uptight type of character. They are embarrassed easily and become tense from perverted behaviour. Sims with these traits applied are "outfit aware". For example: They will become embarrassed or tense if they are close to a sim dressed in sleepwear, underwear, undressed or nude or if they themselves are in sleepwear, undressed or nude. (Wicked Whims compatible) The effects are dynamic so it depends on who those other sims are. A Sexually Awkwards exclusive dialog options are mostly reactive to the Pervert. (usually offensive to the Pervert sim) And the social interactions available are dynamic as well, so it depends on what your sim is doing, who they are with (are they Sexually Awkward or a Pervert) (and what age are they), what are they wearing, etc.
Dynamics is all about the situation changing in real time depending on who is interacting with who, what they doing, what are they wearing, how old are they, are they sober? A Sexually Awkward sim interacting with another Sexually Awkward sim is going to have very different social dialog options than A Pervert interacting with a Sexually Awkward. (More are being added all the time.) Here we have an example of how a sims mood can change depending on the situation. A Pervert sim has interrupted a Sexually Awkward sim who thought they were alone.
So, okay. Now you have Skarrds Traits applied but if everything your Pervert says to the Sexually Awkward sim just offends them and gets them all tense, how is your Pervert ever going to get in to the Sexually Awkwards pants?
This mod introduces alcohol to the game. Alcohol only effects sims with a Skarrds Trait applied. (either pervert or sexually awkward) How it works is simple. After consuming one bar drink, your sim will receive a "Tipsy" buff. After consuming a second drink, a "Drunk" buff plus a "Horny" buff. After 3 drinks, a "Wasted" buff plus a "Lost Inhibitions" buff and after consuming 4 drinks a "Blackout Smashed" buff. While alcohol's effects on a Pervert are minor, alcohol has a dramatic effect on the Sexually Awkward sim. Perverted things that are said, may no longer offend. Activities, like removing clothing or dancing undressed, which a sober Sexually Awkward sim would never consider, may now engage in if drunk enough creating all kinds of interesting and dynamic situations for you to explore including new social interactions! Getting a sim wasted doesn't guarantee your Pervert will score. If the target finds your pervert unattractive, they may still be denied. For that, you may need more extreme actions. (*See the Devious trait in the Sub Traits section in the Additional Features on Patreon section) Other alcohol effects include, temporary polyamory, (even with the "Eternally Faithful" trait), a willingness to remove clothing in front of others (even with the "Fears Nudity" trait) And temporary sexual desires. (NOTE **Eternally Faithful and Fears Nudity are Wicked Whims traits**) There are also additional social interactions that help the Pervert manipulate an NPC. The "I want to get you drunk" option will get an NPC sim thirsty and will drink the beverages you prepare for them. Your pervert will also autonomously tend bar allowing the NPC to order their own drinks autonomously. You can keep them drinking as much as you want with the "You should have another drink"
Wicked Whims
There is a new sub trait system evolving. These "sub" traits require either the Pervert or the Sexually Awkward trait to be applied and add additional features to your sims game play. Sub traits are only available in the reward store. There are only 2 traits in development but more are being planned.
WARNING! This is the forbidden file as it crosses a line that some in the community are not comfortable with! Find out why & what the consequences are in the spoiler! As with any community, lines have to be drawn. This overall is a good thing. The Devious trait, crosses a line for a very popular modding team from MCCC. (You most likely have their mod installed) The line that is crossed with the Devious Trait is "consent". The act of dropping a drug in an unsuspecting sims drink is done without their knowledge and thus, without consent. I was professionally approached by a member from the team and a compromise was quickly reached as all parties were reasonable. The compromise was that a separate file be created, "Devious_Addon". Applying this sub trait to your pervert gives some very powerful options to manipulate the sims around them that are found under "Devious" Selecting any of the options under devious results in autonomous behaviour from the sims involved. For example, if your pervert sim chooses "Drop a knock out pill in "sims name here" drink" not only will your sim automatically go to a bar (required for these actions to work) and tend bar. The awkward sim will autonomously drink any drink prepared OR will order one themselves. This autonomous behaviour occurs with all of the options under "Devious" The "Drop a knock ot pill in this sims next drink" is handy for getting sims out of the way. For example, Let's say (just for an example) your pervert sim happens to come across a sexy mother and daughter and you think, "threesome" But when you get them back to their place the husband/ father is there getting in the way of your plans so you offer to make him a drink, slip a knockout pill in there and BAM, problem solved. The "Slip date rape drug in this sims next drink" is a short cut to getting your victim, to lose their inhibitions and do anything you want. No matter the circumstance, they will accept sex. The "Roofie ***´s next drink" results in a memory blackout and they won't remember any of the perverted things they did, or, you did... The "Sneak a Viagra pill in ***´s next drink" forces an involuntary erection on your male target that will last 8 hours. (Additional social interactions allow the victim to be talked out of their pants. For comfort, of course. Just keep checking the "Manipulation" category!)
Direct quote for accuracy: "Having a separate file as far as we know will be the best compromise, however if users come in with that file too many times (or with other mods that are worse/too many banned mods) we will have to ban them. That is not to say they can't be used however, just that they can't bring errors to the server with them. I can go through how to avoid that if you'd like to pass along that information to your patrons."
The penalty for using the "Devious_Addon" is not being allowed to use the free service that the team at MCCC provide with guidance from exception files generated by bad mods in your game. (They'll help you figure out what the problem mod is)
You can still use the "Devious_Addon" and still use the service by following these instructions: "So when an MCLE is generated, it reads all the mods in your mod folder. To avoid it reading those particular files, you'd need to delete that file (located in the MCCC folder) and any/all other errors and the localthumbcache. When you're done that, remove that particular file and simply move it to the desktop. Then, load the game back up, wait for a new error and viola - clean error. You would simply need to remember to add the file back into the game after you've been helped.
REQUIRED: The Pervert must LIKE photography in CAS preferences! So there you are getting drunk with a sim. Then you remember, you own a camera. And suddenly, you begin to form a perverted plan... So now your model has become drunk or wasted and undressed! As long as you two are alone, pull out your camera... and choose "Take Photo of..." Now you have your photo. Do you tell them right away? Do you take your time, formulating a perverted plan? Or do you just keep it a secret? It's all up to you. If you choose to tell them... You'll be able to keep track of everyone you have compromising photos of. Sims who have had compromising photos of themselves taken and who are already a sex slave to someone can be sex slaves to multiple sims. They do not move in. But if you choose to let someone off the hook, just give back the photo! !!INFORMATION!! THE COMPROMISING PHOTOS ADDON CONTAINS THE TRAVEL BUG!!
The classic game of strip poker is finally available for the Sims 4. For 2-4 players. A new system of harassment is now available for perverts who want more. By simply harassing a Sexually Awkward sim enough, you can get them to emotionally submit to you. That's where your pervert has harassed them so much they admit, they can't handle your behaviour. This is done by a combination of being perverted in physical, personal and general ways. Once you've harassed enough a new option under "Observations" (found in the "Perv" conversation wheel) asking "Did I get your Panties in a Bunch?" or "Did I get your Boxers in a Twist" The result is in a behaviour change in the sim you harassed. Now, instead of getting tense over the perverted things you say and do, they now get embarrassed like they emotionally submit to your perverted ways. WARNING: Below is a spoiler filled instructions on how to get a sim in to emotional submission. But you'll have more fun figuring it out on your own! Panties in a Bunch/Boxers in a Twist
How to HARASS a sim in to SUBMISSION:
I've divided harassment in to 3 sections.
Section 1 is physical.
This is the kiss hand, embrace, kiss, kiss neck, tickle relentlessly, kiss passionately. You need at least one of the unique buffs that come from pervert/awkward interactions here.
Section 2 is general pervert stuff.
This is the "say something perverted", "tell a perverted joke", "describe sex act", "did I catch you looking at my crotch/breasts" etc. You'll need at least one of these buffs.
Section 3 is clothing stuff.
This is the "tell me about your panties", "boxers or briefs", "I see your nipples are hard", "Did you stuff a sock in your package" etc. You'll need at least one of these buffs.
The buffs described above usually only last for 2 sim hours. And you'll need to accumulate at least one of each and have all 3 at the same time for the "Panties in a bunch/ Boxers in a twist" interaction to become available under the Pervy/Observations category.
WARNING: This add on has "The travel bug" The Fondling and Groping add on is a completely optional add on that uses base game animations, like hug, embrace, kiss, passionate kiss, relentlessly tickle, etc and adds buffs that add context to the situation. Are the sims drunk? Is only one drunk? Is anyone undressed? Buffs that indicate groping and fondling from these interactions can change the mood and set the stage for your story telling.
Naïve Trait
The Naïve trait is a sub trait of the Sexually Awkward branch that comes with new vulnerabilities to be taken advantage of.
Currently a Naïve sim exclusive social interaction is to offer a drink to others. However there are new risks that come with that...
There are new Perv social interactions to see how Naïve sims are....
An exclusive interaction is available for those of you who have the Seasons Expansion pack. If your sim gets caught in the rain, it can be suggested that they take their clothes off. The new interactions have a chance of working on Sexually Awkward sims but are guaranteed to work on Naïve sims. Success results in autonomous undressing.
Ver 1.6.0
New Additions
-Added the new Custom Drink Add on! A completely optional file that changes the names of drinks and adds effects! To start with, the file comes loaded with two new drinks:
- Insta-Erection Elixir (causes erection on males)
- Panty Remover! (causes immediate loss of all sexual inhibitions for Males and Females)
-Added the new Realm of Magic Add on! A completely optional file that adds clothing disintegration to all Magic Duels. (**Realm of Magic Game Pack Required)
-Perverts can now disintegrate the bras and undershirts off sims that have already had their clothes ripped off during magic duels.
Okay so I'm trying an experiment with some of the interactions that come up too much, altering my game play plans. The game altering my plans from time to time is fun and unexpected keeping things fun and fresh. I don't want that to disappear entirely.
I have created 2 versions of
- -"Let me bar tend for you" by an awkward and pervert teen.
- -"Will you serve me alcohol" by awkward and pervert teen.
- -"Will you serve us alcohol" by awkward and pervert teen.
One version has a lower level of autonomy. So its there by default and could happen. But the other version, who's autonomy has been cranked up, doesn't become available until the player uses the new interaction: "Is there anything you want to do?" This new context system will be test by you and me over the next month. Feedback welcome.
Ripping Clothes Off
-If your sim gets their clothing torn off and they are not at home where they have access to a dresser or closet, they will not be able to dress up! (they just need to be on their lot)
-Removed the extra underwear layer when clothing gets ripped off and adds it back after a change of clothing or a shower.
-Added Relationship Marker for ripping off a sims clothes when they don't know who it was. (before introductions)
All ripping clothes off interactions are, for the moment, not autonomous. I do have a plan and some ideas. Stay tuned.
- -Added interaction for Sexually Awkward female, "Don't ask me naughty questions like that!" becomes available after pervert asks any intimate or inappropriate questions, or asks opinion about their underwear.
- -Added interaction for Sexually Awkward, "That's a sexy bra you're wearing!" becomes available when the sim is at least tipsy.
- -Added interaction for Sexually Awkward, "So.. boxers or briefs {1.SimFirstName}?!" becomes available when the sim is at least tipsy. Includes sober and drunk Sexually Awkward responses and Pervert response.
- -Added interaction for Sexually Awkward female, "Um... my eyes are up here." a toned down response from catching a pervert from staring at sims breasts, a comment about her nipples, or see through shirt. Available if the sim is not stressed. ("My eyes are up here you pervert." is now only available for a response to the above is the sim is tense)
- -Added interaction for Sexually Awkward female, "Don't ask me naughty questions like that!" becomes available after pervert asks any intimate or innapropriate questions, or asks opinion about their underwear.
- -Added interaction for sexually awkward female, "Such naughty questions! Stop!" becomes available after pervert asks any intimate or inappropriate questions, or asks opinion about their underwear and is feeling stressed out.
- -Added attraction conditions to "describe sex act".
- -Added interaction for sexually awkward, "Don't say those things!" becomes available after a YA,A,E pervert describes a sexual act to them.
- -Added interaction for sexually awkward, "This is an inappropriate topic!" becomes available after a Teen pervert describes a sexual act to them.
- -Added interaction for sexually awkward, "You're disgusting! So perverted!!" becomes available after a pervert describes a sexual act to them and they are already feeling tense.
- -Added interaction for sexually awkward, "Don't look at me like that please." becomes available after a perverted observation has been made by a YA, A, E aged pervert.
- -Added interaction for sexually awkward, "Stop looking at me like that you pervert!" becomes available after a perverted observation has been made and the sim is already stressed.
- -Added interaction for sexually awkward, "Stop looking at me like that you pervert!" becomes available after a perverted observation has been made and the sim is already stressed.
- -Added interaction for sexually awkward, "You shouldn't grab at me like that!" becomes available after a pervert has been making attempts at hugs kisses tickles. (successfully or failed attempts)
- -Added interaction for sexually awkward, "Keep your hands to yourself!" becomes available after a pervert has been making attempts at hugs kisses tickles (successfully or failed attempts) and the sim is already stressed out.
The following entries represents a couple of things. First, the finishing of the interactions. (like, adding missing attraction conditions and missing trait responses) These are DONE. Also, I have added a new "emotional based response" system to (most of) these interactions, so depending on the mood of the sim these interactions are being said too, results in a much more contextually accurate responses. Also it adapts to how the player plays. It keeps things, surprising. This may need adjustments which will become apparent with play testing.
- -Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the perverted interaction, "I like your panties {1.SimFirstName}!"
- -Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the perverted interaction, "Your bra and panties are very sexy!"
- -Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the perverted interaction, "Tell me about the panties you're wearing."
- -Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the perverted interaction, "Your underwear is very sexy!"
- -Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the perverted interaction, "So.. boxers or briefs {1.SimFirstName}?"
- -Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the perverted interaction, "Do your bra and panties match?"
- -Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the perverted interaction, "Did you stuff a sock in your package?"
- -Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the perverted interaction, "Do you like my bra and panties? "
- -Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the perverted interaction, "Do you like my underwear?"
- -Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the perverted interaction, "Describe sex act."
- -Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the perverted interaction, "Tell perverted story."
- -Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the perverted interaction, "Make perverted joke."
- -Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the perverted interaction, "Say something perverted."
- -Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the perverted interaction, "Your breasts are beautiful!"
- -Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the perverted interaction, "Nice dick!"
- -Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the perverted interaction, "Your bra shows through your shirt!"
- -Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the perverted interaction, "Your tight pants are sexy!"
- -Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the perverted interaction, "Are you staring at my crotch?"
- -Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the perverted interaction, "Were you staring at my breasts?"
- -Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the sexually awkward interaction, "Oh my! Are you getting a boner?!"
- -Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the sexually awkward interaction, "Looks like you're about to pop out! "
- -Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the sexually awkward interaction, "If your boner is uncomfortable, undress!"
- -Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the sexually awkward interaction, "Your undies look really tight {1.SimFirstName}."
- -Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the sexually awkward interaction, "I like your underwear {1.SimFirstName}."
- -Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the sexually awkward interaction, "Do you like my bra and panties? "
- -Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the sexually awkward interaction, "Do you like my bra and panties? "
-Fixed the biting count from getting mixed up with the alcoholic drink count. Now if sober, a bite will make tipsy. If already tipsy, the bite will make sim drunk. Etc.. And vice versa.
-Sims with the Vampire Trait Pervert or Vampire Trait Awkward will not have negative effects when seeing a Vampire Drink Deeply on other sims since they know it feels really good.
-A collapsed sim will now be "Recovering from Orgasmic Feeling" instead of "Recovering from Plasma Loss"
-Added automatic sweating caused by the erotic feelings of being bit.
-Vampires will change in to dark form to start feeding as before but now will remain in dark form until the player manually changes back.
-The pervy and awkward vampire traits are now automatically distributed to victims just by being near a vampire. And have been removed from the reward store.
-Added a new reward Trait in the reward store, "Vampire Seduction Resistance" trait which offers immunity from the seductive and intoxicating effects of the Vampire Bite.
-If a victim receives one of the vampire bite buffs, (recently bit, permission to bite, deeper drink, etc) the sim will feel compelled to undress autonomously.
-Physical Nipples 3.0 are introduced this month. Improved fit. Improved nipples.
-Sexually Awkward Interaction: "Your undies seen a bit tight{1.SimFirstName}." changed too "Your undies look really tight {1.SimFirstName}."
-Sexually Awkward Interaction: "I like your underwear. They look tight." changed too "I like your underwear {1.SimFirstName}."
-Devious in the social interaction pie menu will now display as "Devious Ideas"
Bug Fixes
-Fixed "Sex Slaves" not complying when relationship was too low. Now the will always accept.
Ver 1.10
Hey Everyone! This months update is a mixed bag of tricks and features. Something for everyone.
Bug fixes
-fixed a number of interactions that were disappearing when the target sim was tipsy.
-fixed underage drinking relationship buffs not removing after awkward sim asks to "keep this a secret"
-fixed "so boxers or briefs" appearing twice in the social interaction menu when the target was tipsy.
-Added the "underage drinking" functions to the Normal trait.
-Fixed an issue where teens could run the "dropping pills in drinks" interactions even if they weren't qualified which would cause bar tending issues.
New Additions
-Completed a number of already existing interactions with the addition of a drunk response.
-Coercion: Once a sim has been successfully sexually harassed they will now play strip poker sober and embarrassed the entire way and will let you get them drunk without resistance. If the sim is an adult being coerced by a teen, they will automatically grant them access to the bar.
-Added emotional walks. Your sim now walks differently when they are tipsy, drunk, wasted, embarrassed or tense.
-Can now add Naive and Devious traits with dialog on other sims.
-Pervert can ask how drunk a sim is. (Under Perverted Observations)
-New cheat reward "Fake ID" for your teen who wants access to the bar
-New cheat reward "The "Cool" Adult" for your adults who are completely fine with teens drinking alcohol.
Creator Note**- So for many months, (ever since strip poker version was released) I have been looking for a solution to keep sims on the lot during drinking or a game of strip poker. It was pretty irritating when my strip poker opponent would get up and walk out half way through a game. I tried many things. Tried modifying so many files in the game to see if I could control it but had no luck. Then I came across "situations"... now I wonder how I played with out them.. some things are cool. But some things are sofa king cool... and this is one of them!!
-Introducing "Situations" for strip poker and for all of the drinking alcohol interactions. Each situation starts automatically and eligible sims join automatically and has custom goals to keep the event moving along. They are stack-able, (meaning you can have multiple situations running at the same time but you'll only be able to see one of the goal menus at a time) custom events.
⦁ -Specified drinking alcohol related interactions will trigger an event with a timer and tasks related that holds sims involved at the lot and has the sim(s) autonomy act properly for the situation. (which the player can end anytime)
⦁ -Start a strip poker game related interactions, if successful, will trigger and event with a timer that holds sims involved at the lot and has the sim(s) autonomy act properly for the situation. (which the player can end anytime)
-Added a new pervert interaction, that keeps "getting drunk with a teen", a secret. (Becomes available when the adult and teen are both drunk)
-Added the "drunk" response to the "I can see your bra through your shirt" interaction.
-Teen that ask an adult to serve them alcohol again and again will receive a pestering notice when the adult finally agrees.
-Added the "drunk" response to the "your bum looks hot in those pants" interaction.
-A new global trait automatically distributed to all adults (YA, A an E) that give them full access to the bars and bar tending with or without one of the three main traits. BAM ( honestly I wish I thought of this last month. Now the player doesn't have to add traits to all the bar tenders if they don't want )
-If your sim goes to a bar, nightclub, or lounge, they will automatically distribute the three main traits randomly to all the sims around them as well as the chance they also distribute a sub trait. (at bars, nightclubs and lounges ONLY) So players who wish to pick an choose certain sims to have specific traits can still do so on ANY OTHER LOT. (off by default)
-Added "Pervy Options" category which can be found under "Actions" when clicking on any other sim in the game but the one you're in control of.
-Added a on/off switch to distribute traits when your sim goes to a bar, nightclub or lounge.
-Sexual Harassment (Panties in Bunch/Boxers in Twist) is now automatic upon meeting the requirements. This changed the need for the interactions, "Did I get your panties in a bunch/boxers in a twist" which used to trigger it. So I changed the interactions to extend the amount of time the sim you have harassed in to staying in that mode. Now the interactions have moved to "manipulation" and are: "I like your panties in a bunch/boxers in a twist" and resets the sim to a full 24hrs each time you use the interaction.
-Reduced the chance of "accidentally" drugging a drink when bar tending by Naive sim (creator note* It was happening far too much. Almost every time, so I've dialed it back. If I dialed it back too much, let me know)
-Reduced the chance of "intentionally" drugging a drink when bar tending by a devious sim. (creator note* It was happening far too much. So much, my devious sim was never getting a chance to choose to drop a pill in a drink, so I've dialed it back. If I dialed it back too much, let me know)
-Added a "stop drinking now" to the autonomy of a sim when they reach the wasted level. It doesn't eliminate a sim drinking so much they pass out but it reduces it.
Bug fixes
-fixed a number of interactions that were disappearing when the target sim was tipsy.
-fixed underage drinking relationship buffs not removing after awkward sim asks to "keep this a secret"
-fixed "so boxers or briefs" appearing twice in the social interaction menu when the target was tipsy.
-Added the "underage drinking" functions to the Normal trait.
-Fixed an issue where teens could run the "dropping pills in drinks" interactions even if they weren't qualified which would cause bar tending issues.
From 07/02/2023 the mod has been renamed to The Perverted Expansion Pack
Before installing the new version, all old files must be deleted:
Skarrd_Traits TS4script
Skarrd_DeviousAddon TS4script
Skarrd_Traits_FondlingGropingAddon TS4script
- WickedWhims
- XML injector
- Download German Translation/Deutsche Übersetzung (08.01.2024)
- Skarrd Clothes (08.01.2024)
**SPECIAL NOTE!! The release of this mod doesn't mean you need to update your game. As you know, this mod depends on Wicked Whims and at the moment, that hasn't been updated but this will work if you haven't updated your game yet and when Wicked Whims updates this will still work. (and if it doesn't I'll issue the update then)
New Additions
Perverted Expansion Pack Options
-Set your female sims underwear preferences. Choose from a pastel pallet, darks or variety. (So the top matches the bottom.) Set to variety for default.
-Set your male sims underwear preferences. Choose from briefs pallet, boxers or variety. Set to variety for default.
-Introducing "Day After" Social Interactions. (work in progress... just beginning really check the discord for more info!)
These are what I would refer too as relationship re setters. What they are, is specific social interactions that will become available after sims have had a sexual encounter with another sim. They require a number of conditions to be met for them to appear and have consequences tied to them.
For example, if your sim gets drunk, and only teases with another sim, after the sim sobers up, they have an opportunity to let the other sim know, how they feel about it.. (was it a mistake or not) and it places relationship markers on both sims to keep track of the memory of the event. (and how they felt about it)
Conditions that alter the interaction would be: were both sims drunk? (this will start introducing opportunities for sims to "take advantage of drunk sims and the penalties that can come with that), was your sim cheating on a boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? How far did the sex go? Was it just some teasing and kissing? Or did they go all the way? Each of these factors will alter the available interactions. Other future factors will include age, drugged drinks, attractiveness, etc.
They will be autonomous so NPC's have the chance to take the initiative and let the player know how they feel about what happened the night before.
Interactions available for Sexually Awkward so far:
-I'm so embarrassed about my behaviour. (requires both sims to have gotten drunk together, were both adults and only teased each other) Resulting in custom "Embarrassing Mistake" buffs for each sim (from their perspective) and relationship markers to remember the event and a custom notice informing the player of exactly went down. (This is the rejection interaction)
-I'm so embarrassed about my behaviour. (requires both sims to have gotten drunk together, were both adults and only teased each other and the player sim to be in a relationship with ANOTHER sim) Resulting in custom "Embarrassing Mistake" buffs for each sim (from their perspective including the cheating factor) and relationship markers to remember the event and a custom notice informing the player of exactly went down. (This is the rejection interaction)
-I'm so embarrassed about my behaviour. (requires both sims to have gotten drunk together, one was a teen and the other was an adult and only teased each other) Resulting in custom "Embarrassing Mistake" buffs for each sim (from their perspective) and relationship markers to remember the event and a custom notice informing the player of exactly went down. (This is the rejection interaction)
-It's embarrassing but I had fun. (requires both sims to have gotten drunk together, were both adults and only teased each other) Resulting in custom "Embarrassing Fun" buffs for each sim (from their perspective) and relationship markers to remember the event and a custom notice informing the player of exactly went down. (This is the accept interaction)
-It's embarrassing but I had fun. (requires both sims to have gotten drunk together, were both adults and only teased each other and the player sim to be in a relationship with ANOTHER sim) Resulting in custom "Embarrassing Fun" buffs for each sim (from their perspective including the cheating factor) and relationship markers to remember the event and a custom notice informing the player of exactly went down. (This is the accept interaction)
-It's embarrassing but I had fun. (requires both sims to have gotten drunk together, one was an adult and one a teen and only teased each other) Resulting in custom "Embarrassing Fun" buffs for each sim (from their perspective) and relationship markers to remember the event and a custom notice informing the player of exactly went down. (This is the accept interaction)
Interactions available for Pervert so far:
-I regret what we did together. (requires both sims to have gotten drunk together, were both adults and only teased each other) Resulting in custom "Embarrassing Mistake" buffs for each sim (from their perspective) and relationship markers to remember the event and a custom notice informing the player of exactly went down. (This is the rejection interaction)
-I regret what we did together. (requires both sims to have gotten drunk together, were both adults and only teased each other and the player sim to be in a relationship with ANOTHER sim) Resulting in custom "Embarrassing Mistake" buffs for each sim (from their perspective including the cheating factor) and relationship markers to remember the event and a custom notice informing the player of exactly went down. (This is the rejection interaction)
-I regret what we did together. (requires both sims to have gotten drunk together, one was a teen and the other was an adult and only teased each other) Resulting in custom "Embarrassing Mistake" buffs for each sim (from their perspective) and relationship markers to remember the event and a custom notice informing the player of exactly went down. (This is the rejection interaction)
-What happened between us was so hot. (requires both sims to have gotten drunk together, were both adults and only teased each other) Resulting in custom "Embarrassing Fun" buffs for each sim (from their perspective) and relationship markers to remember the event and a custom notice informing the player of exactly went down. (This is the accept interaction)
-What happened between us was so hot. (requires both sims to have gotten drunk together, were both adults and only teased each other and the player sim to be in a relationship with ANOTHER sim) Resulting in custom "Embarrassing Fun" buffs for each sim (from their perspective including the cheating factor) and relationship markers to remember the event and a custom notice informing the player of exactly went down. (This is the accept interaction)
-What happened between us was so hot. (requires both sims to have gotten drunk together, one was an adult and one a teen and only teased each other) Resulting in custom "Embarrassing Fun" buffs for each sim (from their perspective) and relationship markers to remember the event and a custom notice informing the player of exactly went down. (This is the accept interaction)
-Added Tool Tips to every option. Now extra info and explanations will show when player places cursor over option in pie menu
-Added proximity buffs for Sexually Awkward sims to recognize female sims that have had their tops eaten, disintegrated or ripped off.
-Added proximity buffs for Sexually Awkward sims to recognize female sims that have had their bottoms eaten, disintegrated or ripped off.
Ripping Clothes Off
-Added new black panties as possible item to show when clothing is destroyed. (darks pallet)
-Added new black bra as possible item to show when clothing is destroyed. (darks pallet)
-Added new black purple bra as possible item to show when clothing is destroyed. (darks pallet)
-Added new black purple panties as possible item to show when clothing is destroyed. (darks pallet)
-Added all missing buffs sims receive for ripping bras off other sims.
-Added all missing buffs sims receive for ripping undershirts off other sims.
Realm of Magic
-Added all missing buffs sims receive for disintegrating bras off other sims.
-Added all missing buffs sims receive for disintegrating undershirts off other sims.
-Temperance is a Perverted Devious SexManiac by default and comes with a high "ripping clothes off" autonomy.
-Updated all sexually provocative proximity buffs to include attraction conditions for Pervert (buffs that trigger when close to other sims)
-Updated all sexually provocative proximity buffs to include attraction conditions for Sexually Awkwards (buffs that trigger when close to other sims)
-Updated all sexually provocative proximity buffs to include family relation conditions for Pervert (buffs that trigger when close to other sims)
-Updated all sexually provocative proximity buffs to include family relation conditions for Sexually Awkwards (buffs that trigger when close to other sims)
Bug Fixes
-Fixed a number of Relationship Milestones that weren't displaying properly.
-Fixed an error that was allowing Sexually Awkwards without the "Clothing Destruction Capable" trait to disintegrate clothing during wizard battles. Now they'll need that again.
-Added missing actions from "Fondle & Kiss in a Closet regarding ripping clothes off for Sexually Awkward sims that obtained the "clothing destruction capable" trait.
-Fixed a "Try to rip (simsname) panties off" interaction appearing without conditions and under Friendly->Small Talk.

Caramelized Chicken Wings NSFW
Caramelized Chicken Wings, available in Party, Family and Single serving.

Career Overhaul Suite NSFW
This mod is a comprehensive overhaul of the game’s careers aimed at making career progression more difficult and engaging.

Pregnancy Risk, Protection & Fertility NSFW
Individual or Global pregnancy risk, birth control, surgeries, social interactions!

New Radio Station for Stereos: The Ragtime Channel NSFW
You AND your Sims deserve a broader selection of music on your stereos. Thanks to Sasha T1804's ingenious Radio Channel Generator, we can now offer you another new station: The Ragtime Channel!