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Xml Injector v4.1 (28.10.2024)  

Upload: 18 Mar 2022, 20:32
Last updated: 28-10-2024, 21:25
Created by: scumbumbo, Triplis [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Edit Reason: Version updated for Life and Death Patch - 28-10-2024, 21:25 » [PLGDante]
Xml Injector v4.1 (28.10.2024)

Xml Injector v4: categories duplicates check

Added duplicates checking when injecting to picker_dialog categories, to account for some strange edge cases where adding to one category adds to another (ex: adding to gifts categories for computer adds to gifts categories for phone). This does not directly address that behavior, which is not something I was able to find the cause for, but instead checks for duplicates to ensure you won’t get duplicates if, for example, you inject to both phone and computer for gifts.

Version number is still 4, but you’ll want the version with “categories duplicates check” in the name for most up-to-date behavior for that injection.

- Triplis

Xml Injector v4

Added injector for PurchasePickerInteraction type, with the ability to inject to picker_dialog categories and purchase_list_options. See the "Examples" folder for a demonstration of how to use them.

- Triplis

Xml Injector v3

With the university patch came a change to how computers function, such that access to computers can be locked to specific sims and most of their interactions are what I call "lock aware," meaning they are only usable by sims who have access to the computer. The alternative being interactions that appear on the computer, regardless of locks.

This update to Xml Injector does the following:

  • If you are a modder and want interactions you add to the computer to be "lock aware," use the "add_lock_aware_interactions_to_lockable_objects" tuning, along with a list of "super_affordances" (as opposed to "_super_affordances" - the underscore is different for "lock aware" interactions). Apart from that the structure of the tuning is identical to what you would use in the past when adding an interaction to the computer by using "add_interactions_to_objects". The "Examples" folder contains a sample XML file with this tuning used for reference.

  • The 'test' interaction that appears on the computer should show up again. It was previously tied to an interaction that was moved to the "lock aware" interactions and thus wasn't triggering from the expected place.

  • Reward Traits can be injected using the new add_satisfaction_store_rewards tuning. See the "Examples" folder for a demonstration of how to use it.

    - Triplis


The XML Injector for The Sims 4 is a mod library to allow mods that would normally require a script for simple changes to instead use a custom snippet. The library provides the scripting, and the modder can release their mod without having to concern themselves with writing, compiling and maintaining a script. Currently the XML Injector snippet handles adding interactions to game objects in a variety
of ways with a simple XML definition.



If you just play the game then you only need to download and install this library mod if another mod you download tells you that you must have this installed. On it's own this mod does nothing, it works in the background to make other modders able to code their mods more easily.

If another mod does inform you that this mod is required for it to work, then you should proceed to download and install this. You do not need to download the Modder's Documentation file, this contains the technical information for modders to reference.

Installation is simple. The file you download will contain two files, a script named XmlInjector_Script_v2.ts4script and XmlInjector_Test_v2.package.

Extract both of these files from the download file into your game Mods folder. You should install it directly into your Mods folder, and not a subfolder, in order to ensure that it can be easily located if you need to upgrade the script to a newer version.

The current version of the XML Injector is version 2, and denoted by the _v2 in the filenames. It has been written to work with the most recent game patch, 1.50.67 (February 21, 2019).

Once both files are installed, you must also ensure that script mods are enabled in your game options. This is very important as, though the XML Injector allows other mods to eliminate their scripts, the XML Injector does the scripting for them and so script mods must be allowed in your game.

After installing the XML Injector, you should test to make sure it is working properly. The included test package adds several test interactions to several game objects. Choosing one of these "XML Injector Test" interactions from the pie menu should display a notification that the XML Injector is working properly. If you do not see these test interactions then the XML Injector is not installed properly and will not work for mods that depend on it.

The "XML Injector Test" test interactions can be selected from any of the following six locations in the game.

  • On a household's mailbox

  • Any of the game's computer objects

  • Clicking on any Sim

  • In the "Friendly" chat choices when clicking on another Sim

  • From a Sim on the relationship panel

  • From the "Household" phone category

There is not really any need to test more than one of these choices, any single one should suffice. The test is primarily in so many places in order to serve as a useful reference for modders to see how to code their own mods.

Once you have verified that the XML Injector is working, you may remove the XmlInjector_Test_v2.package file and test interactions will no longer appear on your pie menus.

The script file should remain in your Mods folder. If the script is removed, other mods which depend on it will no longer operate properly.

You should check back here occasionally, particularly a day or two after game updates if it stops working, to see if the mod has been updated with any important additions or fixes for new game patches. In the future, a mod you download may specify that it requires features from a version newer than the one you have installed, and again this is an important reason to keep the mod installed in the main Mods folder so it can always be located easily and the version number verified.


The primary purpose of this mod is to eliminate the need for modder's to write, compile and maintain their own scripts for the simple tasks of modifying the game's XML tunings (e.g. _super_affordances list). It currently supports:

  • Add interactions to game objects. The game objects can be selected by instance number, an existing interaction (e.g. sink_washHands), or a partial name search.

  • Add interactions to the Sim's object.

  • Add interactions to the relationship panel.

  • Add interactions to the phone panel.

  • Add interactions to AffordanceLists ("Friendly" mixers, etc.)

  • Version 2

    • Test that XML Injector v2 or higher is installed.

    • Test that that the installed version of XML Injector supports your mod.

    • Add loot actions to LootActions and RandomWeightLoot tunings.

    • Add buffs to traits.

    • Add name and object relationship components to game object tunings.

    • Add states and state_triggers to object tunings.

By offloading these tasks to a shared script, controlled by a simple XML snippet that you include in your mod package, this eliminates the need for you to include a script. In addition, if future game updates alter the method that these XML tunings must be modified in a script, this library will be promptly updated with any necessary fixes - and no changes will be required to your mod.

The majority of the documentation for the library is contained in the Modder's Documentation. This contains the following resources:

  • A PDF document with the technical details on creating an XmlInjector snippet tuning, including several examples.

  • The raw XML and STBL files contained in the test package.

  • A tuning description file for the XmlInjector snippet. If you use the TS4 Tuning Description Browser, you can place this file into your snippets folder where you have stored the EA TDesc files to view it within the browser.

  • The script source files for reference. At least one other script modder should acquaint themselves with the code (feel free to ask me any questions on how something works!) in the event that I am unable to update it myself for whatever unplanned and involuntary reason.

Once you've setup your mod to use an XmlInjector snippet, you should inform players who download your mod to obtain and install a copy of the XML Injector from this download page. Do not distribute the library with your own mod. This ensures that players have only one copy of the script installed, and that they can easily determine if they have the latest version installed and know where they can get the most recent updates if required.

The XML Injector can be extended to update other tunings. If you have any ideas, feel free to ask if they can be implemented. Ideal candidates for new features would be common tuning changes that would otherwise create the possibility of mod conflicts without a script. More complex or rare changes would not receive any priority for implementation as the mods that make those complex changes are likely to require a script for other reasons. The main goal is to allow other mods to be implemented and distributed without requiring their own scripts.

If you have any questions or run into technical difficulties, please post here on the mod library's discussion thread. In addition, some alternative methods of contacting me are given in the PDF documentation.

Thank you to all the modders who have tested, and given me ideas and encouragement for implementing this library snippet!

Thank you to Triplis for joining the development team and creating new features for future XML Injector versions!

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  1. roro9261
    roro9261 [Users]
    25 October 2024 21:49