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PNB - Petite Nude Body (v1.2)  

Upload: 25 Mar 2023, 10:47
Last updated: 31-03-2023, 07:54
Created by: KrayStudios
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
PNB - Petite Nude Body (v1.2)

This mod replaces the default underwear with a nude body. Just remove your clothes and you'll be nude! This mod is compatible with all gloves, robes, and outfits, so no worrying about clipping! Instructions are in the readme, but so you know what to download:

Download the BaseMod
Download 1 SkinTone

Version 1.1

  • Adjusted clipping issues with some robes
  • Fixed texture problems on Tan, Honey, and Ebony Skin
  • Added shapekeys to arms
  • Adjusted rigging for legs and arms
  • Base Mod now uses Chunk 260 and Skintones all use Chunk 261

Version 1.2

  • Fixed facial animations breaking for a couple heads
  • Added an underwear outfit under one of the PJ slots
  • Added preview images so that the pj and undergarment outfit icons are of the modded

nude and underwear bodies*

DOWNLOAD ver 1.2:






Foot Fetish Portraits 389.26MB

Foot Fetish Portraits NSFW

30 Mar 2023
25 093

- Two options, Room of requirement only, or full castle - Full version has over 60 different animations scattered through castle - Should also work on lower end PCs that use low graphic settings

Adventurer Crop Top + Skirt 4.15MB

Adventurer Crop Top + Skirt NSFW

25 Feb 2023
43 132

Mod that replaces all three variants of Adventurer clothes. It doesn't work with cloak or produces many clipping. They may be some clipping while running or using stair I will fix later

The minimum comment length is 10 characters.
  1. j
    jonounlimited [Users]
    8 February 2025 00:56

    Recently posted in Steam:

    Developer Patch Notes Update
    Due to changes to both data serialization and upgrades to our Raytracing features in the Hogwarts Legacy engine, level code changes were made that may break "Visual" 3rd Party MODs made before the Raytracing and MODs patch. Visual Mods meaning any MOD that changes the character's appearance in some way/involves animation, i.e. appearance, clothing, wands, brooms, facial presets, and mounts may be impacted. If you are using any of these Visual MODs, it may cause crashes to your game. We recommend removing these 3rd party Visual MODs in all locally installed MOD folders. Then verifying or reinstalling the game. The MODs folder will typically be name ~mods

  2. tola02
    tola02 [Users]
    29 January 2025 16:43

    The mod keeps crashing the game. 

    1. tola02
      tola02 [Users]
      31 January 2025 16:37

      nvm, it worked.

      1. c
        ceph [Guests]
        3 February 2025 07:58

        how did you get it to run?

      2. F
        Frayedpaw [Guests]
        7 February 2025 03:22

        I would also love to know. Every other post, and even the devs, note that old mods that change meshes cause the game to crash. And, so far, nobody but you seems to have gotten an old mesh mod to work.

        1. d
          dev dollison [Users]
          22 February 2025 01:31

          mine crashes as well

  3. D
    DestinySe7en [Users]
    7 January 2025 09:59

    Does anyone know if there's a way to patch up the seam with a custom head?

  4. H
    Hygiliack [Guests]
    2 January 2025 21:23

    So this mod is no longer working right?

    I get a right arm that is all like burned up and it has a change of color from body to face

    1. H
      Hygiliack [Guests]
      2 January 2025 22:17

      Nop, the thing is that I tried to move the skin tone and that fu'ks up the mod for some reason, I restarted the game and didn't move skin tone and it works fine

      1. N
        Ninetynight [Users]
        11 January 2025 09:24

        hey, have you worked out how to get things right? Cause I have The same problem, got a burned arm and it seems to be similar with my scar on face. Also the skin color is completely different, it doesn’t patch up 


  5. C
    Christopher T Gentry [Guests]
    10 December 2024 06:58

    Add Hogwarts playstation 4 slim

    Quote: Christopher T Gentry
    playstation 4 slim 

  6. j
    jjjjj [Guests]
    23 September 2024 10:17

    thnak ou so much

  7. c
    chaose [Guests]
    20 September 2024 16:37

    When using this mode, a strong attack causes the character to harden.
    It's hardened for about 5-7 seconds, is there a solution?

  8. D
    DT [Guests]
    2 September 2024 04:03

    Mod works fine on latest version. 

    Put it in paks and all face edits etc in ~mods, in my case (I use skintone 2) none of the skintones match my character's face so the seam is no longer there but the textures are still different colors so make sure to use the correct skintone when creating a character if you plan to be naked a lot (I don't I just got this to use the skirts mod it requries, honest)

    The arms glitch is still there too but only when nude. 

    I would love an update that adds a few more skintones, preferably the second skintone from the beginning since the very first one is too pale, even for my ginger character.

    Would also be great to have a "non-nude" version of the mod that has more normal underwear like from the skirts and shorts mod or atleast the skimpy underwear this mod has to replace the nudity by default, that would help hide seams and texture mismatching and be more appropriate for the game (IMO)

    1. D
      DT [Guests]
      2 September 2024 05:52

      Actually if you use soft hands mod it will resolve the arm issues which do happen on all outfits I noticed, once I added soft hands it was resolved however I only use the skin part of this mod so the skirts work, I don't use the nude model. 

  9. G
    Guest Anonymous [Guests]
    22 April 2024 17:34

    Great mod! The body is very well detailed but I think adding a version with pubic hair would be nice. Also, I don't have access to the underwear only mode

  10. N
    N3koPotato [Users]
    12 March 2024 18:25

    sad to say, this mod wont let me start the game, i tried both versions

  11. t
    torkillson [Users]
    11 February 2024 07:32

    Exactly what I've been looking for thank you

  12. G
    Graphorny [Guests]
    1 February 2024 21:24

    Thanks for this mod - if the author ever looks here, the mod is now broken (as Ensnjed described). The arms look almost tattooed, the body is darker and redder than the face and neck area (with visible and jagged dividing lines), and the game periodically won't let you look around when this mod is loaded. I'm loading the game through Epic rather than Steam; don't know if that matters.

    1. W
      WhereIsMyLunch [Guests]
      10 February 2024 06:51

      Same for Steam

  13. E
    Ensnjed [Users]
    26 January 2024 04:25

    Heyo, having a problem with the textures not aligning. Not really sure how to explain it, but the face and neck along with some patches of the arm are of different color than the body and sometimes freaks out.

  14. R
    Rus [Guests]
    6 January 2024 17:21

    Version with nylons and heels would be . .  interesting. 

  15. B
    Bierdwerg [Guests]
    2 January 2024 22:07

    Game keeps crashing when you try to make a new character.

    Plus on a existing character the texture doesn't align with the legs so you get white legs with no skin texture. tried it with 3 different skin tones, exact same result with each.

  16. K
    Kumagoro42 [Users]
    30 December 2023 02:12

    Did the clipping issue come back? The one where it shows some black marks around the neck and shoulders. I had downloaded version 1.2, and it was gone, but now it's back again. Was there a game update that broke it? I even re-downloaded it to no avail.

    1. K
      Kumagoro42 [Users]
      30 December 2023 16:45

      Found the issue, it was a conflict with Face Preset - Olivia by Aloy. The conflict didn't happen in the past, now it does. Oh well.

  17. v
    vesper69 [Users]
    27 December 2023 02:42

    I've been having issues making this work. What skin tone am I supposed to use if I have my character in the 2nd to 3rd skin tone from the left? (I cant remember which slider exactly I picked) I've gotten the meshes to work but the textures have this weird tatoo on the left arm and then it has a very obvious seam on the chest. I've installed it just like the readme says.

  18. a
    abk08 [Guests]
    2 December 2023 22:26

    Version 1.1 and 1.2 are the same

  19. N
    Neronero [Guests]
    24 October 2023 19:24

    Is this not compatible with any of the head replacer mod? like pretty face or other head replacer?? i keep crashing on shader compilation

  20. L
    LMV [Guests]
    15 September 2023 17:06

    Please make compatible with the Shorts and Skirts mod by Alvatroz!

    1. PLGDante
      PLGDante [Moderator]
      15 September 2023 19:30

      we are hosting the mods. we didn´t create them sry

  21. r
    redhatter [Guests]
    27 July 2023 15:41

    Not sure who still plays and browses these mods but I made a pale skin override here:

    It does not replace the original mod, but adds to it and overrides the skin file to be paler, refer to the included readme for instructions. 

    1. I
      IforgotmyName [Guests]
      1 August 2023 13:57

      Thank you for this Pale version ! I tested it and it works.

    2. p
      piaoni [Guests]
      15 August 2023 08:27

      Hello, there seems to be something wrong with this link, so I can't download it. Can you help provide other links?

    3. r
      redhatter [Guests]
      16 August 2023 07:01

      Seems like anonfiles shit the bed.

      Use this for now:

  22. L
    Luna [Guests]
    14 July 2023 14:46

    I wish there are nude mod which allow to wear shoes/boots... or, outfit that just only shoes/boots... because it's more sense when wearing robes and wandering around naked but not barefoot..

  23. M
    Myzja [Guests]
    8 July 2023 03:33

    DO NOT USE CHARACTER EDITOR MOD! It will throw textures everywhere and make character look like a twisted Frankenstein

  24. M
    Myzja [Guests]
    7 July 2023 21:02

    Barefoot version

  25. b
    best [Guests]
    23 June 2023 17:18

    Can u pls add pubic hair version too?

  26. S
    Snowy2256 [Users]
    23 June 2023 02:00

    put it in paks not mods. lol when it don work swap it from paks to mods and mods to paks XD usually works

  27. s
    ssd [Guests]
    28 May 2023 12:30

    same issue, please fix. Thanks!

    1. s
      ssd [Guests]
      28 May 2023 12:51

      nvm, i'm dumb.
      just have to follow the instructions and extract base + one of the other archives to the mod folder...

  28. A
    AndyJaeven [Users]
    11 May 2023 04:40

    Getting an issue where the body has a grey checkered square texture instead of the PNB textures. Is this because of the new patch?

    1. r
      rMaikol [Users]
      14 May 2023 03:19

      how did you solve it if you succeeded

  29. Lay
    Lay [Users]
    7 May 2023 16:49

    hey bro .....Sorry, as long as I apply it, I will replace the face shape of other mods

    How can I do

    1. A
      Aslan [Users]
      9 May 2023 18:34


      I had the same problem, i've fixed it by putting the 3 files that comes with any head replacer mod in the "Paks" folder instead of the "~mods" folder, though modded head models will have a seam with this body mod, but as long as you wear outfits or mantles you shouldn't see it. hope this helps :)

  30. A
    Aslan [Guests]
    23 April 2023 11:30

    Bro this is amazing thank you, is there a chance that you will make a paler version of the skin?

    Please? please please please please?? XD