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Cyberpunk 2077 [69]

Cyberscript Core v3.2.1 3.7MB

Cyberscript Core v3.2.1

22 Dec 2023

CyberScript is an scripting framework written in Lua, using CET, to execute .json script. It allow you to create or execute EASILY script like custom quest, dialog, stories and more. Read the description for more detail ;)

Panam Romanced Enhanced 868KB

Panam Romanced Enhanced

20 Jun 2023
5 179

Panam now Eats, Drinks, Sleeps and uses her phone around the Aldecaldos' camp, and showers, if you have romanced her. V can chat with and hug her at any of her activity spots, and her bed also now works more reliably. Updated for patch 1.6 and REDmod version available