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WickedWhims Inappropriate Unlock 1.0.2  

Upload: 17 Mar 2022, 13:02
Last updated: 18-08-2022, 23:27
Created by: TURBODRIVER [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Edit Reason: Add VirusTotal Result - 18-08-2022, 23:27 » [PLGDante]
WickedWhims Inappropriate Unlock 1.0.2

WickedWhims Inappropriate Unlock is a PACKAGE file used to re-add any content from WickedWhims that may have been removed when released on platforms that consider its features to be inappropriate. If you find some features are not available, use this mod to bring them back, otherwise you don't need it.

Does this mod work?

Yes, it can't break or become outdated.


How to install this mod?

1. Download file.

2. Open the Mods folder (/Documents/The Sims 4/Mods).

3. Place file in the Mods folder.


How to use this mod?

Teen Sex; Wicked -> Settings -> Sex Settings -> Sex Relationship Settings.

High School Years Teen Sex; Wicked -> Personalization -> Wicked Attributes -> Post Puberty.

Teen-Adult Sex; Wicked -> Settings -> Relationship Settings -> Relationship Utilities.

Incest; Wicked -> Settings -> Relationship Settings -> Relationship Utilities.

VirusTotal: VT

BNWO HighSchool 3.4 MB

BNWO HighSchool NSFW

17 Apr 2023
9 416

A reskin of the whiteboard in the High School expansion pack that adds BNWO content to your sim's world, just enter build mode and replace the existing whiteboard with the modded one and it will work exactly as it should.

The minimum comment length is 10 characters.
  1. T
    Ternure 69 [Guests]
    18 July 2024 05:50

    muy bueno me gustó

  2. b
    b [Guests]
    6 May 2024 03:35

    doesn't work, can't download

  3. Гена Ситников
    Гена Ситников [Users]
    25 January 2024 20:32

    Всем привет а будет ли когда нибудь обновления данного мода до последней версии игры!!!

  4. V
    Valeri [Guests]
    22 July 2023 00:33

    Потрясающий мод ! Мне нравится , спасибо .

  5. G
    Game for me [Guests]
    4 July 2023 13:46

    dont work with last version of WickedWhims plz update

  6. S
    SpaceBeast [Guests]
    29 April 2023 18:29

    when the next update ????? where the WickedWhims v175e is that version dont work plz update 

    1. PLGDante
      PLGDante [Moderator]
      29 April 2023 20:52

      i have it as well and with mine it´s working

  7. m
    marc [Guests]
    17 March 2023 18:11

    gracias no se quiero descargar esto y no se si funciona aun

  8. a
    as [Guests]
    11 March 2023 00:09

    Bim oyunda genc gence wicked hımms yapmıyor yardım

  9. c
    cracker [Guests]
    27 February 2023 16:35

    I've downloaded it from loverslab a few months ago. it used to work, but now it doesn't give me any options. can you help me fix this?

  10. M
    Mateusz [Users]
    19 February 2023 15:54


  11. r
    rrr [Guests]
    17 February 2023 06:36

    thank you so much!

    thank you so much!

    thank you so much!!!

  12. D
    DontWasteMyTime [Guests]
    13 February 2023 18:56

    I took this out of my game. It didn't work the day I put it in up to the day I took it out. Trash and a waste of time.

  13. i
    idk222 [Guests]
    30 January 2023 09:37

    are this still work in 2023?

    1. PLGDante
      PLGDante [Moderator]
      30 January 2023 11:19

      in my sims yes

  14. S
    SAilor [Guests]
    29 December 2022 11:44

    waiting here we go

  15. 1
    123h [Guests]
    19 November 2022 15:28

    trying to download

  16. l
    loui [Guests]
    14 November 2022 21:55

    thank you so much!

  17. M
    Mikesims [Guests]
    18 October 2022 20:38

    i dont get any of those option even after i installed the unlocker please help.

    1. PLGDante
      PLGDante [Moderator]
      19 October 2022 05:33

      you must give your teenager sims the postteen feature. then you can edit anything else

      1. M
        Mikesims [Guests]
        19 October 2022 07:02

        i gave my teen sims the postpuberty traits and the option still doesn't show. None of the teen options show up.

        1. m
          mikesims [Guests]
          19 October 2022 07:34

          i figured it out nvm thank you very much for the help much appreciated.

          1. r
            ronnie [Guests]
            12 November 2022 17:23

            how did you get it to work? ive given my sim the post puberty trait and it still doesnt work

        2. N
          Natsuki [Guests]
          29 January 2023 00:08

          You may not have installed the mod properly. Try re-installing. If that doesn't work, you can try seeing if your WickedWhims mod is Outdated.

  18. N
    Neil P [Guests]
    17 September 2022 21:48

    Thanks a lot ! 100% working

  19. m
    malgina [Guests]
    6 September 2022 00:41

    mod doesnt work. it wont allow me to play game. it tells me to delete before i open game

    1. PLGDante
      PLGDante [Moderator]
      6 September 2022 10:09

      do you have try the modfire file or the original? when the modsfire file isn´t working try the original file

  20. J
    JAckspicydick [Guests]
    18 August 2022 00:32

    There's a virus bundled with this shit.
    Scan your files before uploading it, dumbass.
    This shit is stingier than a fucking gorilla glue...

    1. PLGDante
      PLGDante [Moderator]
      18 August 2022 23:20

      If you are aware of Viruses. Download it from the original post :

  21. n
    nagisa [Guests]
    16 August 2022 16:32

    mod not working

    1. G
      Guest PLGDante [Guests]
      16 August 2022 22:53

      It´s working! You have to set up like this:

      Teen Sex; Wicked -> Settings -> Sex Settings -> Sex Relationship Settings.

      High School Years Teen Sex; Wicked -> Personalization -> Wicked Attributes -> Post Puberty.

      Teen-Adult Sex; Wicked -> Settings -> Relationship Settings -> Relationship Utilities.

      Incest; Wicked -> Settings -> Relationship Settings -> Relationship Utilities.

      1. M
        Mikesims [Guests]
        18 October 2022 20:36

        i dont get any of those option even after i installed the unlocker please

        1. S
          SimsPlayer [Guests]
          20 October 2022 16:30

          I have the same problem. All the animations I have installed are not working for teenagers. What can I do?