Grappler NSFW NSFW
It's Grappler but without his clothes. Still really a WIP but I need a break from learning Strive/DnF modding and it's somewhat useable.
It's Grappler but without his clothes. Still really a WIP but I need a break from learning Strive/DnF modding and it's somewhat useable.
Should you use this mod? idk, does it look cool? yes Red and black - color 3 reddish orange - color 4
Replaces Dragon Knight's body model.
Recolor and Mesh Modification of the character Shantae for a commision. Added Slots 1-7 aswell due to high demand
How to install 1/Create a folder named ~MODS inside SteamsteamappscommonDNFDUELREDContentPaks~mods 2/Extract and copy the whole folder into the ~MODS folder
Taking a break from not letting you hit the ground in Smash. Character texture only. No other modifications.
Yes, this is out day one and only over color 8. I might update it later to support all alts, but I don't even own this game. So maybe, maybe not.
A recolor based on Dante's Apparence on DMC1 Available for all Colors
Replaces the inscription on the board Grappler shoves into the ground to something more appropriate for the game and the audience.
Taking a break from Prominence Revolting in Smash. Character texture only. No other modifications.
Feel the burn! Some previews using Barefoot and Midriff Striker for those of you wondering how that looks.
My first mod for an ArkSys game. Gives Swift Master an airbender color palette. Available for Slots 1-8.
This mod makes use of Strive's character material, so that Taste_color glowing can be used.
A mod for Swift Master that gives them a palette reminiscent of Venti from Genshin Impact. Available for slots 1-8. Feedback is appreciated as always.
Dante mod for Ranger. DM me on discord for commissions, FlynnNeverwin#1013
A skin for Ghostblade that gives him a yakuza aesthetic with a large tattoo sleeve. Available for colors 1-8 and in either pale form or a more lush skin tone, pick what you prefer!
Just a really stupid looking character that doesn't look like anyone in particular. All colors Available
Replaces Enchantress's body model. (The color on the thumbnail is color 07.) Versions: No Sleeves, With Sleeves.
Was planning on making a goth Inquisitor, but it turned into this. Colors available for slots 1-8. Feedback is appreciated as always!
Replaces Launcher's body model. Versions: Regular, Large.
Made a quick mod with two versions for striker one version has the normal pants the other one has a hip window variant, to use the hip window one i recommend you usae the mod that removes the line on the hip.
Replaces Dragon Knight's body model. Versions: Regular, Large.
Replaces Kunoichi's body model. Versions: Regular, Large
Replaces Striker's body model. Versions: Regular, Large
A goth skin for Striker, available for slots 1-8!
This is my 3rd day one mod, but it's really the 5th and 6th when including the separate versions. Still have plenty more mods planned. At least this time, I feel like I won't lose interest like I did with kofxv.
Final Version of the Byleth Inquisitor Mod. Includes 4 Variants: - Male - Female - Male Enlightened - Female Enlightened
A mod for ghostblade based on Vergil from Devil May Cry 5.