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The Sims 4: Update, repair, add DLC’s v1.3.4  

Upload: 18 Mar 2022, 19:12
Last updated: 17-07-2024, 17:09
Created by: Anadius [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Version: 1.3.4
Edit Reason: Version updated - 17-07-2024, 17:09 » [Aqxaro]
The Sims 4: Update, repair, add DLC’s v1.3.4

Download, update, repair your game and add missing DLC’s.

Thanks to Anadius
Version 1.107.112 from base game up-to and incl. 

“Wizard” Anadius came up with a program enabling you to update and repair your game with just a few mouse-clicks.

No manual downloads, no copy/paste, the program does it all

Always check for the latest version of the updater,
do not rely on previously downloaded versions.

Where is the base game ?

When you did not install the base game earlier, you should use the Repair option and the base game will be installed as well as your selected DLC’s.
Some people wish to play the fully updated base game without other DLC’s (lack of disk-space or computer not powerful enough ?). In such cases Click Repair and don’t tick other DLC’s.

First of all create a new folder The Sims 4 on your computer. Place that folder under the exceptions of your Anti-Virus program  Lead the updater in the first step to that folder.

Change language

  1. In the downloaded updater you’ll find a file called Language Changer
  2. Double-Click on it and select your language
  3. Click Yes, Yes and OK in the pop-up screens.

Error about missing .dll files

New users who never played The Sims 4 before on a Windows 10 machine get that error.

  1. In the downloaded updater you’ll find a folder # vcredist
  2. Open that folder
  3. Double-Click on all (6) files (one by one)

Do you have problems with the Updater ?

Too slow or certain files not found ?
You can also manually use the updater by downloading the updates from THIS WEBSITE

  1. Download the requested update(s) and place it in the root directory of the Updater
  2. When you now run the Updater you’ll see an additional menu item called Extract
  3. Click on extract 
  4. When extraction is finished, click Update
  5. After a successful update remove the downloaded updates and the folder Update from the Anadius Updater.


Suppose your present version is and you want to update to the latest version (presently

  • Download:
    update from
    update from
    update from 
  • Put these downloads in the main directory of the Anadius Updater. (see picture)
  • Now run the Updater, browse to your installation folder (select it, do not open it)
  • Click on Extract and select the downloaded Update-files
  • When you see Extraction completed, Click on Update
S4 CAS Tools - updated to V3.8.1.0 11.49 MB

S4 CAS Tools - updated to V3.8.1.0

10 Mar 2023
2 200

This is a full-purpose tool for creating CAS custom content for TS4. It's specifically meant to work with Milkshape 3D and to get around the limitations of using MS3D for Sims 4 meshes, but many of the functions can be done with OBJ or DAE files which can be used by almost any meshing program.

TS4 Sound Tool 446.4 KB

TS4 Sound Tool

27 Jul 2022
1 213

This is a tool to play / edit / create music, sound effects and voices for Sims 4, you start by selecting a pack and the tool will then extract all sound events from animations and all sound names from the combined tuning and add them to selectable lists

The minimum comment length is 10 characters.
  1. roro9261
    roro9261 [Users]
    17 July 2024 15:20

    July 17, 2024, Today the Updater is at V1.3.4

    17 Juillet 2024, aujourd'hui l'Updater en est à la V1.3.4

  2. menios
    menios [Guests]
    24 November 2023 21:44

    i have problem no matter what i do i get some language package missing and even if use vpn delete the game and re instal it , ive been trying to do it manually but i cant find proper guidance on how and i tried putting the files everywhere i possible can .. my download is from fitgirls , i honestly have no clue what to do and i have tried everything i know and can do , please help!

    1. menios
      menios [Guests]
      24 November 2023 21:49

      to be exact it says the ssame error every time ; updater is trying to generatethe same link for the 5th time in 30sec , it then tells me about fire wall and vpn of that servers might be down , 

      critical error 

      download failed for dlc get together and to use again

      i have done it all nothing works ! 

  3. meli
    meli [Guests]
    4 December 2022 18:23

    Cela ne fonctionne plus 

  4. Gis
    Gis [Guests]
    8 October 2022 12:07

    Can we get a version for Mac ?

  5. madmeat34
    madmeat34 [Users]
    25 September 2022 16:16

    My Gallery has stopped working, a message appears that I should register the game. Anyone had such a problem? So far everything worked great.

    1. nikoden
      nikoden [Guests]
      25 September 2022 17:33

      niestety nie