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More Traits in CAS v1p (11.03.2024)  

Upload: 25 Mar 2022, 08:01
Last updated: 13-03-2024, 14:46
Created by: thepancake1 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Edit Reason: Version Updated - 13-03-2024, 14:46 » [Aqxaro]
More Traits in CAS v1p (11.03.2024)

⛔ ⚠️ READ THIS!!!⚠️⛔

We're not sure what EA changed but we cannot get the extra traits to appear again in CAS. We're going to continue to investigate, but this is likely going to take several days or longer, as we also have other updates to do (especially Mizore).

In the meantime, we have released a TUNING ONLY package file so that those who are waiting to play their main saves can do so, as this will keep your traits intact. This does NOT contain the UI, so you can only add the traits in-game via cheats or mods like MCCC. If you use Chingyu's MoreTraitsMod_Options that goes with our compatible file, then ignore our TuningOnly file and wait for Chingyu's update as their file will have the correct trait numbers for you.

Thank you for your patience.

Have you ever wished your sims could have more than three traits? Perhaps there simply wasn't enough room for all of your desired ones and the limitations of the base game forced you to narrow it down to three again, leaving you conflicted at the menu.

Introducing More Traits in CAS!

Now your sims can have up to five different traits with absolute ease, giving your sims the possibility to have more depth and personality than before. With this mod, your sim can be a loner, clumsy, a dog lover and vegetarian! Never again will you have to watch your supposedly vegetarian sim happily eat a hamburger again just so he could be a music lover instead. The combinations are endless, at least if you don't do the math on that!

Together with adult sims, all other ages have additional trait slots now too:

  • Elder: 5 traits
  • Adult: 5 traits
  • Young Adult: 5 traits
  • Teens: 4 traits
  • Children: 3 traits
  • Toddlers: 2 traits

Yes, you read right. Your toddlers can now be fussy and clingy. Isn't that great?

Other things to consider:

  • Base game compatible.
  • You do not need to fill all 5 trait slots if you do not want to. Sims can exist with just one trait (this is a regular game feature).
  • Does not fill the other trait slots for existing sims unless they age up or are manually changed.
  • Pet trait slots have not been changed yet as they weren’t cooperating when testing.
  • Conflicts with: 
~ Neia's/KingZace More Clubs Per Sim
~ addon_Flerb_more_traits.package from the Automatic Sunburns V10a mod
~ Bienchen's LessLongLivingActiveSims
~ Chingyu's MoreTraitsMod_Options file if you aren't using the compatible version.
  • Does not conflict with these other UI mods such as UI Cheats, More Columns in CAS, wrench overrides, TOOL etc. Will be compatible with all other regular mods.
  • Compatible version attached to work with Chingyu1023's More CAS Traits for Sims and/or Pets. If you use one of their files that gives sims less traits, the extras simply disappear when you go in-game. If you download a file that allows more traits, you add the extras in-game as usual with their mod. Note that this version is only required if you are using Chingyu1023’s MoreTraitsMod_Options mod and would like more customization, otherwise download the regular file. Do NOT download both versions, choose one.  
    Chingyu1023’s mod:
    The chingyu_AddTraitsMenu and 100 Base Game Traits have nothing to do with More Traits in CAS and do not require the compatible version.

How do I use More Traits in CAS?

Using this mod is very simple as it merely extends the trait bar in CAS by one or two hexagons depending on the age, and lets you select extra traits for your sim. To use this mod on an existing sim or household, simply edit them using the cas.fulleditmode cheat, MCCC, or Chingyu1023’s mod if you are using the compatible version.

Is uninstalling the mod okay?

Yes. If you remove the mod, the extra traits disappear from your sim, but this won't cause any issues.

Why does the first part of CAS and CAS Stories still shows three traits?

This is only a visual bug. It won't impact the traits you can pick for your sim.

Is this mod compatible with custom traits?

Yes, it is! However, old custom traits made or updated before Snowy Escape were broken by an EA update back then, so you'll need to get an update by the creator.

Am I able to change the number of traits?

Yes, if you're using the version compatible with Chingyu1023's mod and have both installed, you are able to add more than the maximum amount of traits in-game through their menus. These will, however, not be displayed in CAS.

How do I install?

Installation is easy; simply drop the downloaded file into your mods folder.


  • 2024 March 11th - Version 1p fixes the bug where aging up from Teen to Young Adult only showed three trait sots. Remember to only download ONE version!
  • 2024 March 1st - Version 1o updates the mod for Patch 1.105. Remember to only download ONE version!
  • 2023 June 2nd - Version 1l updates the mod for Patch 1.98. Remember to only download ONE version!
  • 2023 March 17th - Fully updated now! Remember to only download ONE version! Also remember that you should NOT be using ChingyuOptionsCompatible if you are NOT using their MoreTraitsMod_Options file. If you don't know what that mod is, that means you should grab the regular version of our mod.
    Delete the previous TUNINGONLY file, it is not needed anymore. Clear your avatarcache and localthumbcache before launching your game with the new version, tutorial.

    - With EA's new "Discoverable Traits" system with the Grow Together patch, YA+ sims can technically have up to 8 traits. The game will prompt you about adding them, so you can reject them if you'd like.
    - Infants remain at 1 trait.
  • 2023 March 16th - Partial update. 03/17 - No longer needed, delete if you downloaded.
  • 2023 February 7th - Minor update to fix the occult icon.
  • 2023 February 1st - Version 1j updates it for Patch 1.95.


Farmer Trait

Farmer Trait

01 May 2022

I LOVE being a farmer type Sim now that I have the Cottage Living EP but to make the most of it, I had to use up all of my trait slots for things that seemed like they should be all together in one trait.

Try for Baby in Larger Households

Try for Baby in Larger Households

22 Mar 2023
1 969

This mod allows you to try for baby even if you have the maximum of 8 Sims in your household. For example, in the Hikaru family there are already 9 Sims as you can see in the picture, and clicking on his wife you can see they can still Try for Baby.

The minimum comment length is 10 characters.
  1. Гена Ситников
    Гена Ситников [Users]
    13 March 2024 16:20

    Привет а в чём смысл обновления!!!

    1. Aqxaro
      Aqxaro [Admin]
      13 March 2024 16:22

      2024 March 11th - Version 1p fixes the bug where aging up from Teen to Young Adult only showed three trait sots. Remember to only download ONE version!

      1. Гена Ситников
        Гена Ситников [Users]
        13 March 2024 16:38

        Привет да я одну версию и загрузил я думал что добавили больше черт!!!

  2. raccoon
    raccoon [Users]
    1 March 2024 17:25


  3. Гена Ситников
    Гена Ситников [Users]
    1 March 2024 14:09

    Всё нашёл скачал!!!

  4. Гена Ситников
    Гена Ситников [Users]
    29 February 2024 15:49

    Блин на последней версии игры не работает этот модик вернее работает но есть квадраты!!!

  5. Гена Ситников
    Гена Ситников [Users]
    27 February 2024 07:48

    Привет а будет ли когда нибудь обновления данного модика чуть больше черт характера!!!

  6. Гена Ситников
    Гена Ситников [Users]
    8 December 2023 22:06

    Привет!!!А что толку с этого мода он уже есть по всем сайтам 5 мало нужно больше делать!!!