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Rape Mod - Sexual Assault and Sexual Abuse Functions  

Upload: 20 Oct 2023, 10:13
Created by: H-Core [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Rape Mod - Sexual Assault and Sexual Abuse Functions

Requires Wicked Whims Sex Animations | Part of CORE Collection

Rape Mod (Forced Sub CAS Trait - Rapist & Victim Gameplay) 

In the Sims 4 game, when couples woohoo / have sex together, they always only have positive moodlet and relationship gain, then why not negative moodlet and relationship loss? This user-friendly mod is designed to be compatible with everything. There are just a few rape animations available, such as from Art of Submission. I can't seem to find any working Rape mod in the Sims 4 community, except on this atypical mod I have made. I know there is one outside of LL, but it badly conflicts with other mods in an unusual way. My Rape creations are very comprehensive. I don't invest my time into cannibalism and bestiality, but only focus on creating rape / sex assault / sex abuse mods.

I recommend to download BOTH my molest mod and rape mod, in order not to confuse and better organize. Please see my profile for the molest download file. Molest is without penetration. Rape is with penetration. Both are different sexual assaults. All other Rapist traits I have made innovatively, views in the Rapist's perspective. Only this particular Rape Mod, views in the Victim's perspective, to give flexible gameplay choice. Why Victim's initiation of sex? Perhaps she was programmed to submit.

Before asking me in the support forum with frequently asked questions about how to find the trait. It is located in CAS social category personality. Please make sure the Sim is adult and up, because I do not allow teens to have this trait. If any players have found bugs for my Rape mods in relation to minors, you will know that I am FIRM that I have not even allowed teens to have these traits, let alone that. I always double check the accuracy of my tunings, sometimes beyond control, due to how EA coding are fixed.

Only one rape WW animation event will result near complete relationship loss on both friendly and romantic.

If you love my free mods, we encourage you to support my partner at Patreon. She wants to reach to the goal of earning enough income per month, so that she won't have to rely on her disability support income. Right now she still hasn't reached a large amount of subscribers. Your support would mean the world to us. She enjoys creating, just as you enjoy playing. If you don't have a lot to offer, you can choose Tier 1-2, if you can afford more, you can choose Tier 3-4.

Using WW sex animation with Rough context

Actor: Sad Rough Rape - I am confused with unwanted forced orgasm during the rape. I feel extremely traumatized after the rape, because the Rapist did not had my consent and just went in aggressively. (Sad emotion 15+)

Using WW sex animation with Rough context

Target Sim: Good Rough Rape - I want to traumatize this victim without consent to the maximum, because it gives me powerful sexual gratification that other types of sex cannot. (Happy emotion 15+)

Using WW sex animation with Forced context

Actor: Sad Forced Rape - I am confused with unwanted forced orgasm during the rape. I feel extremely traumatized after the rape, because the Rapist did not had my consent and just went in aggressively. (Sad emotion 15+)

Using WW sex animation with Forced context

Target Sim: Good Forced Rape - I want to traumatize this victim without consent to the maximum, because it gives me powerful sexual gratification that other types of sex cannot. (Happy emotion 15+)

Note: The fiction Sims game is just artificial pixels. No Sims are hurt in the gameplay. An actual Sims modder made a murder mod, but that doesn't make him a murderer. Another actual modder made a dark web drugs mod, but that doesn't make him a criminal.

Copyright mod by H-Core

The minimum comment length is 10 characters.
  1. D
    Damndaniel [Guests]
    14 February 2025 20:08

    Does anyone know what the mod author means by required "| Part of CORE Collection"? I have WW installed and updated but no interactions show up in game.

    1. V
      Vinsinning [Guests]
      18 February 2025 21:44

      Assume they're refering to 'H-core' mods, I have them but can't seem to make most function even with DD instead of WW. if you can figure it out, let me know haha

  2. Гена Ситников
    Гена Ситников [Users]
    25 May 2024 12:30

    Всем привет а где можно скачать вот это из требований как написано выше (Часть коллекции CORE)

  3. Гена Ситников
    Гена Ситников [Users]
    1 February 2024 17:33

    Привет,я извиняюсь а перевод есть на такой модик не подскажите!!!

    1. g
      gnlxx [Guests]
      13 February 2024 10:51

      пни если сделают

      1. Гена Ситников
        Гена Ситников [Users]
        13 February 2024 12:23

        Привет вы о чём это!!!

        1. a
          akiko [Guests]
          25 February 2024 13:35

          он имел ввиду что бы ты сказал если такой найдешь