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Browser Extension v0.9.4  

Upload: 04 Nov 2023, 14:36
Last updated: 15-11-2023, 16:31
Created by: r457 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Browser Extension v0.9.4

Browser Extension Framework
by r457 & gh057



  • Download the main framework archive
  • Extract the archive into the Cyberpunk 2077 install folder

Browser Extension Framework creates an easy entry point to add your custom Web Sites to the main browser page: “NETdir://”. It also gathers and shows all the vanilla sites defined as journal entries in the game’s resources. New sites are pushed at the start of the homepage, the homepage is scrollable using UI_MoveDown/UI_MoveUp actions (usually bound to the mouse wheel).

To add a new site you need to create a child of BrowserEventsListener, fill the name/address/create the pages and add/init your custom site in BrowserGameController.OnInitialize - see CustomSiteExample provided with the framework (Optional files section).

You can either create your pages from scratch (manually or using Codeware custom widgets) or reuse existing vanilla templates (see CustomSiteExample).

For a more complex usage example see this mod that provides a fully functional Vehicle Insurance web site with multiple pages, highlighted links, etc.


  • The system will only pass a link address to your listener if it begins with your site’s main address: use it to define all your site pages in the GetWebPage method.
  • Your custom page is reparented to the root page widget with anchor set to fill - anything else is on you: correct margins, scale, processing events, etc.
  • Link your pages with the LoadPageByAddress method.
  • You can override vanilla sites by address as custom sites are processed first (TODO: override system needs more work, in process).

Making your site icon:
CustomSiteExample archive from Optional files contains a WolvenKit project with the raw dds icon, xbm texture and inkatlas. Icon size is 204x229.


  • Use dds as a raw source.
  • Select TEXG_Generic_UI as a texture group on import, check IsGamma and VFlip.
  • Select TRF_TrueColor for RawFormat and TCM_None for compression, remove all the other checkboxes.
  • Didn’t test with transparency yet - might be different!


  • Make the homepage an actual scrollable widget (now imitates scrolling by redrawing items)
  • Work on vanilla sites override system (in progress)
  • Test controller compatibility
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