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Lot 51 Core Library v1.26 (23.10.2024)  

Upload: 26 Dec 2022, 19:56
Last updated: 23-10-2024, 06:19
Created by: lot51 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Lot 51 Core Library v1.26 (23.10.2024)

Download and place the ts4script in your Mods folder. Make sure you only have ONE copy at a time.

Core Library includes standard code used across all of my mods to stay optimized, and help reduce conflicts with other creators' mods as the Lot 51 collection grows.

Integrate With Your Own Mods

Core Library includes reusable snippets to perform common injections and add other functionality to your mods without the need for you to script.

If you are developing your own scripts you can use Core Library to easily setup loggers, config files, or game services. An event service is included so you can run code on zone load and unload and many other events without adding additional injection points that could otherwise cause conflicts with other mods.

Injection Tools

Injection Tools

10 Nov 2022
2 194

A set of tools to inject into different tuning resources. Right now, Injection Tools allows you to inject: Shifts of situations into a SchedulingZoneDirector or SchedulingWalkbyDirector

Spellbook Injector V2 23.5 KB

Spellbook Injector V2

31 Mar 2022
2 170

The Spellbook Injector is a utility mod that loads custom spells into the game. These spells won't override any EAxian tuning, which ensures that creations from different modders will be compatible!

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