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Trait Tracker Injector  

Upload: 21 Mar 2022, 12:27
Created by: mal22 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Trait Tracker Injector

This script enables modders to add new trait inheritance rules to the TRAIT_INHERITANCE data structure contained within and thus eliminates any override conflicts.

Using this mod is very simple as it uses the exact same structure for trait inheritance as the game's trait_tracker XML tuning. For ease of use, I have included an optional file which contains an example of a functional trait inheritance mod.

It is important to note that this is meant to be used with non-personality traits (Traits that you cannot select in CAS). Why? No idea, ask EA about it.

It is also important to note that, in these tests, parent A and B are interchangeable as the game tests both combinations.

Copy MAL22_TraitTrackerInjector.ts4script to your Mods folder. Note that this script will not do anything without installing mods that make use of it.

Spellbook Injector V2 23.5 KB

Spellbook Injector V2

31 Mar 2022
2 170

The Spellbook Injector is a utility mod that loads custom spells into the game. These spells won't override any EAxian tuning, which ensures that creations from different modders will be compatible!

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