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Animations by Leito - 10/4/15 - New Animations  

Upload: 27 Oct 2022, 08:04
Created by: Leito86 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

Making adult animations as a resource for modders.  The animations don't have a purpose until someone savvy with the Creation Kit/scripting makes use of them.  If you want to try your luck implementing the animations into SexLab, you can try this tutorial by ~magic~ (inside spoiler).
The animations are aligned to Schlongs of Skyrim and Body By Leito 2.0.
Use FootIK OFF to have the feet placed as they were meant for the animations.  If you don't, the feet will clip the ground during some animations.  PC/NPC head tracking causes some misalignments.
New Animations - 10/4/15
New Animation List:
Draugr Anal Doggy
Draugr BJ
Draugr Cowgirl
Draugr Doggy
Draugr Missionary

Animation Source Files
This file contains the 3ds Max 2012 files for most of my animations from version 2.0 and up.  I won't be releasing the source files for anything previous (reasons).  Your free to tweak these animations and upload them.  Credits would be nice.


Character Rigs
The file below contains character rigs that I created to make some of my animations.  Works similar to pornphile's character rigs.  Exports the same way too, just remember to use the correct skeleton.txt.
Currently contains:


Ashal - the website and Sexlab
pornphile - Skeleton Controller Rig
Aeonflux88 and XP32 - animation tutorial
Blabba, Panicforever, Zynisch, Arrok, Gone, other animators - technical expertise/inspiration
The modders that use my animations
HCT people
Viewers like you

Non SexLab Animation Pack 12.18 MB

Non SexLab Animation Pack NSFW

27 Oct 2022
1 787

Non SexLab Animations Pack (NSAP) was a mod which was used to bridge the gap between animators make new animations and updates to the SexLab Framework (SLF) where new animations would be added.

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