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Adult Work Enterprises - Video Store Clerk Career 1.0.0  

Upload: 26 Jun 2023, 20:12
Last updated: 12-11-2023, 06:40
Created by: Jughandle [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Adult Work Enterprises - Video Store Clerk Career 1.0.0

This is a part-time rabbit hole career for Young Adult through Elder Sims. It is based on the Base Game Retail career. The biggest difference between the regular retail career and this one will be seen by Sims with the Kleptomaniac perk for players with WW, CinErotique, and some other mods installed.

Why is "Adult Work Enterprises" part of the title? Well, I have other custom careers in development that will focus on adult themes.

Required: XML Injector is required.

Thanks to the late Scumbumbo and Triplis for XML Injector. Thanks to frankk for Sims 4 Toolkit for Visual Studio Code.

Recommended Mods: WickedWhimsCinErotiqueBig Dick Problems, and Flirty Fetishes: BDSiM

Dentist Career

Dentist Career NSFW

30 Jun 2022
1 033

If you've always been curious about what's in other characters' mouths, we've got the perfect job for you! Become a dentist and learn how to fill, whiten, polish and sometimes pull out your patients' teeth! Join the fight to improve the health of the population's teeth and earn real money!

IL - Sirens 116 KB

IL - Sirens NSFW

01 Apr 2022
1 867

Always thought EA's mermaids were too positive? The new mod from zero will allow you to open their dark side. After eating a new seaweed, your mermaid will be reborn into a siren, she will have a thirst scale (like vampires) and she will be able to lure victims, drink their blood and devour flesh!

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  1. l
    larsveeke [Users]
    12 November 2023 16:11

    there is a small mistake it doesn`t need the xml.injector any more but the lot 51 core library wich you can find here