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Romantic Skygaze Mod (28.02.2024)  

Upload: 12 Apr 2022, 10:41
Last updated: 1-03-2024, 17:34
Created by: Dramatic-Gamer [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Romantic Skygaze Mod (28.02.2024)

Embrace your love passionately under beautiful clouds or make its more romantic and look at the stars together while hugging. This mod contains a new interaction that offers new animations and gameplay.

  • This is a custom script mod, so it should not conflict with any other mods or override "Interactions, Animation" game data
  • Your Sims will get a new interaction in the Romance category
  • The interaction will be called "Romantic Cloudy Gaze" in the Morning and "Romantic Sky Gaze" at Night
  • This mod adds new buffs that change depending on what time you used the interaction in
  • The interaction has custom "Get in" and "Get Out" animations that match the interaction animations, and Sims will perform them first, rather than just suddenly lying on the ground or standing up.
  • Interaction shuffles 4 different animations randomly when they are on the ground 
  • Animations: "Look", "Point", "Cuddle", "Kiss".
  • Sims will make sounds while interacting and will also lip-sync according to the sound they make. 
  • Note: Lip sync has been broken throughout the game as the toddler patch and lip sync in this mod will be back as soon as EA fixes the issue
  • The interaction works similarly to other romantic interactions and requires a small amount of romantic interest and has a jealousy broadcaster.
  • This interaction will be available after the Hug interaction becomes available.
  • This mod is available in all languages
  • Your Sims will get romantic and friendly relationships while Skygazing is on
  • Your Sims will receive social and fun needs while Skygazing is enabled

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