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WickedWhims Animations Mega Pack - April 04/2022  

Upload: 03 Apr 2022, 07:31
Last updated: 14-06-2022, 11:15
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Edit Reason: Added alternative link by PLGDante (thanks!) - 14-06-2022, 11:15 » [Aqxaro]
WickedWhims Animations Mega Pack - April 04/2022

Mod WickedWhims 170.3 + Big Animations Pack (13.000).

_Objects generally needed or required for animations - 929MB.

Animations - 2,88 GB.

Version: 1.85+

If you have problems with downloading from YandexDisk, write in the comments, I will try to find another convenient hosting. Google drive is full unfortunately.

The minimum comment length is 10 characters.
  1. P
    PC Game Boy [Users]
    6 November 2024 11:28

    Google Drive is better than BOTH of these

  2. y
    yoko_koko [Guests]
    21 September 2024 03:50

    would it be possible to get a SEP 2024 master list please?  as new patch is messing a lot of animations up

  3. c
    chris [Guests]
    2 May 2023 23:56

    can you update the pack to include all the animations

  4. w
    wosnci [Guests]
    11 December 2022 20:58

    а для версии 1.93.146 подойдёт ?

  5. A
    Avirocking619 [Users]
    22 October 2022 08:25

    Can you share updated pack in Gdrive link

    1. PLGDante
      PLGDante [Moderator]
      22 October 2022 13:41

      There is no Update at the moment. 

  6. A
    Anonym [Guests]
    20 August 2022 23:27

    Please make sure that you add an up-to-date version to work with the newest version of the game. Otherwise users wait until downloaded and then later to try it out with an unhappy ending. I mean to be able to download a pack with animations and so on to work with latest Mod of Whicked Whims and the latest game, its not possible really. Therefore this mod from April 2022 is totally unusable.

  7. J
    Joes [Guests]
    18 August 2022 23:38

    Update ?

    1. PLGDante
      PLGDante [Moderator]
      19 August 2022 01:16

      unfortunately not. we will kep you up to date

      1. J
        Joes [Guests]
        19 August 2022 10:47


  8. A
    Avirocking619 [Users]
    12 June 2022 09:12

    can you provide some otherlink

    1. PLGDante
      PLGDante [Moderator]
      12 June 2022 10:17

      i will find some.. please be patient

      1. PLGDante
        PLGDante [Moderator]
        12 June 2022 12:16