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Anti-Player Bias Remover  

Upload: 03 May 2022, 13:02
Created by: Drakonhammer [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Anti-Player Bias Remover

a.k.a. the APB remover. Compatible with existing saves.

"Gods of Chaos... I lie here broken, failed by my god..."

What this mod does:

  • Set the same targeting priority for player settlements as AI settlements (in vanilla this scales sharply with difficulty)
  • Stop player threat rating from scaling upwards with difficulty (as your empire expands the AI in Warhammer 3 will still attack you more, but this change should prevent it from getting tunnel vision like it does at default settings)
  • Set AI to prioritise war targets set by the player more often
  • Remove the huge increase in player targeting priority for minor AI enemies when the player has an army in a chaos realm
  • Set AI to target enemy armies near regions player allies have lost at an equal rate to enemy armies near regions AI allies have lost

What this mod does not do:

  • Alter the AI in any way not pertaining to the player
  • Reduce general AI aggression settings (they like sunny walks on the beach, mauling nearby enemies, mauling rivals with a high threat rating and pillaging undefended settlements)
  • Reduce the AI's penchant for attacking enemies who have recently expanded their borders (this is another modifier they have)
  • Stop the Warhammer 1 and Warhammer 2 AI factions from being pushovers in the Realm of Chaos campaign (part of the new faction potential system)
  • Revert the loss of potential the AIs suffer when allied by a player

Note: This mod alters the cai_personalities, cai_personality_variable_set_junctions and cai_task_management_system_task_generator_groups_generators_junctions tables, and thus may not be compatible with other mods which do the same. I kept the alterations to the latter to a minimum - the entries related to AI armies targeting the player and nothing more. Agents remain unaffected.

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