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All in One Save File 1.08  

Upload: 28 Mar 2022, 10:48
Created by: CombatEng1neer [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Version: 1.08
All in One Save File 1.08

This is a save file that contains every legendary talisman, armament, and spell/incantations for the achievements on a level 150 character. There's enough materials to upgrade several weapons/ash spirits to max and a few million runes to use as you see fit as well. Every dungeon has been completed and every boss slain (I may have missed a few of the night time field bosses though). Every site of grace has been discovered and all merchants killed so their inventories are located at the Twin maiden Husks for convenience. Use the Celestial Dew to bring them back to life if you wish. I picked up most of the armor and weapons as much as I could but there are a few that were missed.

Yes, this is safe to use online. No mods or cheats were used in its creation.

All 5 possible variations of the Elden Lord endings are ready to be selected as well as the Age of Stars ending.
For the Lord of the Frenzied Flame ending, you must fast travel to the Frenzied Flame Proscription site of grace and meet the Three Fingers and then complete the game as normal. Make sure to make a backup of the save to complete all endings.

All NPC quests have been completed:

- Millicent defeated her sisters and was then slain by us for both of her unique talismans 
- Alexander fought to the end in our duel at Crumbling Farum Azula
- Sellen was sided with and is now a merchant at the Grand Library
- Boc was was given the chance to rebirth
- Ranni was given the ring and awaits us for her ending
- Thops got his chance to rejoin the academy
- Rogier figured out what happened on the Night of Black Knives
- Roderika became a master Spirit Tuner
- Fia was killed by D's brother after completing the Mending Rune of the Death-Prince
- Bernahl was killed during his invasion of us at Crumbling Farum Azula
- Varre was invaded and killed in the Mohgwyn Palace
- Patches still lives to be a nuisance to others
- Diallos died defending Jarburg from poachers
- Alexander's nephew given his insides and set off to be a warrior jar
- Hyetta awaits us at the Frenzied Flame Proscription
- Blaidd was put down and his armor and sword looted
- Gowry killed for his talisman after Millicent's quest was over
- Latenna was brought before her sister in the Mountaintops of the Giants
- Dung Eater was feed 5 of his cursebed seeds to create the Mending Rune of the Fell Curse
- Rya was spared and went on an adventure outside the Lands Between
- Tanith and her knight were slain after completing the Volcano Manor questline
- Goldmask created the Mending Rune of Perfect Order while Corhyn weeps in the Capital of Ash
- Shabriri was slain by us after he possessed Yura
- Melina choose to be kindling for the fire
- Kenneth is the lord of an empty castle
- Nepheli died after the Black Blade was defeated due to the save being created before update 1.03 was released
- The Great Jar was satisfied by our killing of the 3 champions

1. Download the save file and unzip it 
2. Download Elden Ring Save Copier
3. Open the save copier
4. Click on BROWSE for source file and navigate to the the new save file
5. Click on BROWSE for destination file and locate your current Elden Ring save file 
6. Select copy on the save game copier 
7. Delete the .sl2.bak file that is located in the save folder and enjoy

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