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10k Iberian Peninsula Map A20.0 by NRS  

Upload: 01 Oct 2022, 12:34
Created by: NotARussianSpy - NRS [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
10k Iberian Peninsula Map A20.0 by NRS

So since Fun Pimps removed beta support for A20.1, I wound up losing much of my hard work editing/modding the game for that version. Since that happened, I had to take a break as I was quite frustrated and just beat. 
Anyway, I am back to making some maps (2nd editions coming out soon for N/S America, as well as Iceland and a few other countries)

This map was a request and will have a 2nd and 3rd edition coming soon as well. 
For future requests, please expect a week or so delay, if you wish to have 2nd and 3rd editions, as these will be far more detailed and accurate.

Unzip and drop file containing splat, previiew etc directly into /%appdata%/7DaysToDie/GeneratedWorlds

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