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Road Rash 3  

Upload: 02 Jul 2022, 18:15
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Road Rash 3

Genre: Racing
Players: 2
The final part of the famous motorcycle arcade. Literally everything has been improved. By the third part, the game just sparkled. In each column, only 5 points out of 5. Bullet point in the history of the series.

Golden Axe III

Golden Axe III

03 Jul 2022

The third part of the epic. The goal remains the same - to return the Golden Ax, an artifact of incredible power. The game is exciting and beautiful, there are forks.

Super Mario World

Super Mario World

03 Jul 2022

This game can be called "Mario in the world of Chip and Dale". Improved edition of the game Squirrel King. The original had 2 drawbacks: a visually boring urban first level and the faces of the heroes frozen in wax masks.

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