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Desert Demolition  

Upload: 03 Jul 2022, 06:33
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Desert Demolition

Genre: platformer
Players: 1
A toy about a hapless coyote's eternal attempts to catch a fast and cunning road runner. You can choose who to play as, but in any case, the game will not be easy. The toy is entertaining, made not without humor, besides with good graphics and good sound design. Recommended for cartoon lovers of all ages.



03 Jul 2022

A very solid toy with good graphics and music. Vectorman fights Warhead, an evil robot. At each stage, you need to collect photons-stars, throw energy discharges at enemies and move through colorfully drawn locations.

Mortal Kombat II

Mortal Kombat II

03 Jul 2022

Compared to the first part, the graphics are greatly improved here; the number of fighters has been doubled, not counting the secret ones. There are also finishing moves such as Fatality - a bloody finishing move, often with the dismemberment of an opponent's corpse, Babality - turning him into a

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