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BMWK - SPF Redux  

Upload: 08 Sep 2024, 21:23
Created by: xowny [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
BMWK - SPF Redux

The ultimate solution to low performance and stuttering without reducing visual quality (plus extras).

Faster Loading Times - By tweaking async-related settings: AsyncLoadingThread* the mod allows assets to load in the background, reducing loading times and potentially eliminating loading pauses during gameplay.

Optimized CPU and GPU Utilization - by tweaking multi-core rendering: MultiCoreRendering* and multi-threaded shader compilation:

MultiThreadedShaderCompile* allows the game to utilize the full potential of modern CPUs and GPUs. This can result in improved performance, higher frame rates, and more stable gameplay.

Enhanced Streaming and Level Loading - By tweaking various streaming variables: r.Streaming.*
s.LevelStreamingComponents* the mod improves the efficiency of streaming assets and level loading. This can lead to faster streaming and reduced stuttering when moving through different areas of the game world.

Optimized Memory Management - By adjusting memory-related settings:
MinBulkDataSizeForAsyncLoading* & ForceGCAfterLevelStreamedOut* the mod optimizes memory allocation and garbage collection. This can lead to more efficient memory usage, reduced memory-related stutters, and improved overall performance.

By incorporating these modifications, it provides a wide range of benefits, including reduced latency, faster loading times, improved CPU and GPU utilization, enhanced streaming and efficient memory management.


SPF - Experimental
SPF - Redux

Wukong_DataEditor 3.6MB


09 Sep 2024

这是黑猴的PBTable 配表编辑器(类似环的bin修改器?) Wukong_PBTable data Editor 这个编辑器可以让你可视化的编辑黑猴的配置表数据,并生成对应的pak,便于各位大佬制作mod~

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