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Lighting Editor v1.1.0  

Upload: 17 Nov 2023, 17:38
Created by: joan6694 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Lighting Editor v1.1.0

Advanced options for lights in Neo.

It's a very simple but super cool mod for people who want finer control over lights.


Each of the following options can be changed per light:

  • Shadow strength
  • Shadow bias: useful for fixing "shadow acne" artifacts.
  • Shadow normal bias: same as above.
  • Shadow near plane: advanced feature, this determines how close to the shadows will stop being rendered from an object.
  • Culling mask: advanced feature as well, and if you don't know what this is it means it's not useful to you.

Additionally, the global shadow distance can be changed as well.


  • Illusion Plugin Architecture
  • HSExtSave
  • A fully updated game with the latest patch (6/30 patch, under "Game Updates"). This is not necessary if you're using the Fakku version with the Extended DLC.
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