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Lighting Editor v1.1.0  

Upload: 17 Nov 2023, 17:38
Created by: joan6694 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Lighting Editor v1.1.0

Advanced options for lights in Neo.

It's a very simple but super cool mod for people who want finer control over lights.


Each of the following options can be changed per light:

  • Shadow strength
  • Shadow bias: useful for fixing "shadow acne" artifacts.
  • Shadow normal bias: same as above.
  • Shadow near plane: advanced feature, this determines how close to the shadows will stop being rendered from an object.
  • Culling mask: advanced feature as well, and if you don't know what this is it means it's not useful to you.

Additionally, the global shadow distance can be changed as well.


  • Illusion Plugin Architecture
  • HSExtSave
  • A fully updated game with the latest patch (6/30 patch, under "Game Updates"). This is not necessary if you're using the Fakku version with the Extended DLC.
HSPE v2.12.0 194 KB

HSPE v2.12.0

17 Nov 2023

This mod adds an alternative interface for posing a character with IK including some cool features. However, the true strength lies in the Advanced Mode which is basically FK on steroids.

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