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Installing mods: …Snow\data\ game\game\Content\Paks\~Mods

Esther Replaces Yao (Winter Solstice)  

Upload: 29 Mar 2024, 12:57
Created by: GreatWave [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Esther Replaces Yao (Winter Solstice)


Snowbreak is a live service game. Any update to the game may break the mod or even the game.
Using mods might result in account suspension or permanent ban. Use it at your own risk.

This mod replaces 5* Yao (Winter Solstice) with Esther (an in-game boss).


  • Some skins that reuse face mesh from original 5* Yao will be broken (e.g. Snowridge Sledding)
  • Eyelid movement is not perfect.

I post my mods only on this website so if you have any issues or suggestions post them here.


Create a folder named "~mods" inside of this directory "...\SnowbreakContainmentZone\data\game\Game\Content\Paks"
Place ".pak" file inside of "~mods" folder.


The minimum comment length is 10 characters.
  1. S
    Snow frio [Guests]
    19 February 2025 20:51

    tienes el modelo 3d preparado de esther?... lo voy a llevar al gta 5 o el mas facil con Gta san andreas.

    respondeme si usted desea...

    tambien lo instale en el snow, con exito... eres un crak 

    tengo entendido que es un archivo de unreal... tal vez, si lo convierto...