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Skirmish Kertsch (Sust3)  

Upload: 22 Aug 2022, 14:07
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Skirmish Kertsch (Sust3)

Name or Nickname: Tyketto / Feldpost
Mapname: Skirmish Kertsch 1.2
Mapgröße / Size: 1x1 Km
SP (SP Germany, Allies...): German vs Russia
Map (normal, update, without scripts): Skirmish
Sudden Strike Version (Sudden Strike 2, SS 3...) : SS 3
Szenario (summer, winter, desert...): Summer
Kampfart / Combat kind (tactical, tactical massbattle, massbattle): tactical
Mod: Batus

Berlin 1945 25.02 MB

Berlin 1945

22 Aug 2022

The Battle of Berlin was the final major offensive of the European Theatre of World War II and was designated the Berlin Strategic Offensive Operation by the Soviet Union.

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