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Everybody Dance!  

Upload: 31 Aug 2022, 18:05
Created by: Captain [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Everybody Dance!

Mod Type: Tool, used from tool bar

- Lets have a party! Get the disco ball and play latest Adranos music hit while dancing to the beats!
- If you decide to have party with your crew, choose a DJ that spawns the ball!
- The rest can join dancing in the rythm.
- The tool has two variants.
- One with the disco ball that projects lights, plays music and makes the player dance.
- The second variant just makes player dance.

New Crew

New Crew

31 Aug 2022

- New Crew members just arrived! Ninja, Soldier and Assassin girl joined the ranks! - Together with The Captain they are ready to save The Adranos Island!

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