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Sniper Rifle  

Upload: 31 Aug 2022, 21:15
Created by: Captain [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Sniper Rifle

- Have you ever wondered what the Research COGs are looking at when holding the COG sniper rifle?
- Well now you'll know! Cause with this mod you got pretty much the same thing!
- As a bonus the rifle supports all the regular sniper ammo.
- This means that once you get the new gun, you can leave the old in the drillship.

Dispenser Shows "Loaded [Total]" Counts

Dispenser Shows "Loaded [Total]" Counts

31 Aug 2022

Normally, dispensers only show the item count from storage. (Whatever item it's supposed to pull, it shows the count you have in storage.) It will not show the count of however many items are loaded in the dispenser.

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