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Reorder The Hotbar  

Upload: 28 Dec 2022, 12:07
Created by: Notloc [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Reorder The Hotbar

Reorder The Hotbar is a mod that allows you to customize the order of the items in your hotbar.

Simply drag and drop the hotbar slots to rearrange them to your liking.
This mod also adds the ability to click on the hotbar slots as an alternative to pressing the hotkeys.

Fashionoid - Gear Transmog 1 MB

Fashionoid - Gear Transmog

22 Jun 2022

So, you want to slay zombies while wearing a bunny outfit, but you don't want to give up your Firefighter outfit's protection? Do you want to wear that nice Military Jacket, but the protection stats are less than your Leather Jacket?

Search Containers

Search Containers

09 Jun 2023

Tired of scrolling through a container with loads of items, searching for that one item you need? This mod will add "Search" button to the container.

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