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Remington 870 Tactical Shotgun Pack v3.2  

Upload: 21 Nov 2023, 15:13
Created by: Krios257 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Remington 870 Tactical Shotgun Pack v3.2

A weapon pack that adds tactical accessories to the W-870 and the Sawed-off W-870 with meshes ported from RE3R and RE8. Also includes optional, custom modeled Magpul Stock and Forend with color variations. Modular Installation, pick and choose an attachment variant you want. Fully Animated, Cosmetic Only.


Remington 870 Tactical - Sawed-Off W-870
Remington 870 Tactical - W-870

Benelli Shotgun Pack v4.4 555.9MB

Benelli Shotgun Pack v4.4

21 Nov 2023

A weapon pack that replaces the W-870 into a Pump Action variant of the Benelli M3 and also edits the Riot Gun with new Iron Sights and Semi-Auto Barrel. Also includes optional Shell Holder, Flashlight, Optic, and Compensator attachments.

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