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Installing mods on RimWorld: …\RimWorld\Mods

Morphs Assorted Biotech Retex  

Upload: 22 Jun 2023, 09:09
Created by: Morphium [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Morphs Assorted Biotech Retex

What is this?

New, high res (512x512) textures for Biotech.

These things take artistic talent, time and money.

And i only have money, but not a lot sadly.

Currently Planned and/or included
Gene stuff, Items, kids apparel, Headgear (no armor sets) etc.

There will be NO building texture updates. (just to many and therefore plain too expensive)
There will be NO Mechanoid texture updates (i know of others in the making)
There will be NO Pawntexture updates (this includes but is not limited to ears, tails, eyes and other stuff. there will be lots of other mods for that.)

RPG Style Inventory

RPG Style Inventory

26 Jun 2023

This mod replaces the vanilla Gear tab UI with an RPG style inventory screen. It also displays small icons denoting if the apparel is worn by corpse or is forced to wear.

Simple sidearms

Simple sidearms

22 Jun 2023

With the invention of pockets comes the idea of bringing EVEN MORE WEAPONS. Because your snipers are getting really tired of getting shanked.

Vanilla Races Expanded - Waster

Vanilla Races Expanded - Waster

22 Jun 2023

Vanilla Races Expanded is a brand new series of mods to enhance Biotech features, add to the storytelling and the world-building of RimWorld, and to introduce new, cool types ofxenohumans, complete with their own unique genes, behaviors, mechanics and items.

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