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Dark Future Texture Pack  

Upload: 04 Sep 2023, 20:35
Created by: JP193 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Dark Future Texture Pack

Changes a tiny number of textures to go from white to dark grey.
Not meant to be objectively "better", just a subjective change based on personal taste. The game will lose a little NASA styling but feel more militarist and may be easier on the eyes for night gaming.
The textures have a little noise, a subtle detail layer, and a little more sharpness, but generally this is more a thematic than fidelity texture mod.

The mod is very minimal. However just a few changes go a long way, between the PBR system reusing one metal texture in almost every station, and the new lighting system where dark surfaces change the vibe of a room. There was more I'm capable of changing but I wanted the biggest changes, for smallest filesize, with highest compatibility.

Currently v0.9, nothing wrong with it (unless there's a superior good-at-all dds format I should use; my GIMP tool feels outdated) the mod just doesn't include all textures I wanted to include.

If your mod manager puts the files in the game files folder and it doesn't work, place the included data folder into Documents/My Games/Starfield
I'm still figuring out what has and has not changed with installing mods.

Obligatory make/open StarfieldCustom.ini and add

Stuff I hope to add in priority order:
- That ubiquitous white metal texture that's everywhere, e.g. Nova Galactic ship floors. I spent longer trying to find it than actually playtesting.
- Reduce the metallic/roughness of the now grey metal, I just couldn't figure out which of the many textures it is.
- Look around cities for good textures to swap out.

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