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Cyberpunk Mansion  

Upload: 03 Jul 2023, 10:23
Created by: kikoi_builds [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Cyberpunk Mansion

This is not your typical run down, dystopian cyberpunk build. This one is a high-end or luxurious cyberpunk family home complete with all the cyberpunk aesthetic such as, neon lights and neon signs. Lots of them!

Mt. Komorebi home

Mt. Komorebi home

20 Sep 2022
1 201

For this collaboration I wanted to create something Japanese inspired and I thought Mt. Komorebi should fit so well. So I made this little, kind of Japanese house in the middle of the city center of Mt. Komorebi.

City Hall (Sims 3)

City Hall (Sims 3)

07 Jun 2022

Works like a library with computers, suitable for pumping any skills thanks to the properties of the site. There is a science lab for logic and rocket science skills, a platform for debates and a playground for street musicians.

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