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Bodyselector for Golyhawhaw's ND Bodyparts (Wicked Whims AddOn)  

Upload: 30 Apr 2022, 12:42
Last updated: 28-04-2023, 10:24
Created by: ChilliMcMuffin [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Bodyselector for Golyhawhaw's ND Bodyparts (Wicked Whims AddOn)

Everybody needs a body...

Once again, this is one of those projects that was originally only meant for my own use, but has now found its way onto the internet... 

As I like to design my Sims individually, I only use non-default body parts from various creators for upper and lower part of the body. 

A while back, I came across Golyhawhaw's site, whose creations definitely made a nice addition to my collection - but unfortunately the body parts were not (yet) compatible with Wicked Whims, i.e. they could not be selected in the body selector. 

My search for an appropriate mod was unsuccessful, so I made it myself. I know that Golyhawhaw is planning to make the meshes compatible, as there have been several requests in the meantime, but it seems that they haven't found the time yet. 

So I thought I'd publish my add-on versions, as a kind of temporary solution for those who would also like to use his ND meshes with WW.

The mods come in three different versions: 

  • one for the "EnhancedAnatomy" mesh 
  • and two for the "ClassicPhysique-Nip" mesh (1x Nip version and 1x Nip+Bumpmap version)

In the download section you can find them together as a packed version - below the text you can download them individually.

After downloading, install the pack in the mod folder as usual for all mods/CC! 

As these are only tuning mods and the bodyparts are not my creations, they do not contain the meshes of course - these have to be downloaded separately from Godyhawhaw's site (please make sure to select the non-default versions, they are also available as default bodyparts).

The mods come in three different versions: 

  • one for the "EnhancedAnatomy" mesh 
  • and two for the "ClassicPhysique-Nip" mesh (1x Nip version and 1x Nip+Bumpmap version)

WW AddOn Bodyselector Golyhawhaw.rar

ANA D 705 MB


28 Jul 2023
4 893

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