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Simdulgence - Simple Body Parts  

Upload: 27 Jun 2022, 10:10
Created by: simdulgence
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Simdulgence - Simple Body Parts

This update includes two changes:

**1) An improved seam behind the testicles.**This is something I’ve been meaning to tidy up for a little while. I’m not pretending the texture is now entirely perfect, but not having that really noticeable dark edge is a real improvement in my eyes.

Upgrades to improve existing body parts was a very popular choice on my recent poll. There are some other changes I’d like to make, but I think this seam fix is a good first step.

2) Human body parts are hidden in CAS for werewolves.
The Simple series isn’t really compatible with werewolves; the skin texture layers over the fur and doesn’t blend at all (as I mentioned in a recent post, I intend to give them their own parts).

Since the parts don’t look right on werewolves, I’ve hidden them.

Don’t worry, the human forms of your werewolf sims can still access all of the anatomy as usual! It’s just the wolf forms that are restricted.

There’s a zip file for each main body part: breast, chest, penis, vagina. Each zip file contains updated packages for BOTH male and female sims.

There’s no update needed for piercings, addon overlays, or condoms. Those files aren’t included.

My unique designs will be getting the same update soon (their textures are more varied so they need more time).

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