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Simdulgence SimpleGensPenis (23.04.2023) 

Upload: 01 May 2023, 17:55
Created by: simdulgence
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

While working on body hair designs, I realized part of the thigh texture was deforming badly and causing the hair to stretch. The issue is mostly present in the upper inner thigh region (the left-hand image above).

I've updated the UV to correct the problem. There's still some texture stretching where the leg meets the pelvis, but it's harder to correct this because of the way I built the mesh. The issue should be gone in the next major upgrade for SimpleGens, which I'm currently beta testing and hope to make available soon.

The attached zip file includes corrected versions of the base SimpleGens penis as well as my Cage add-on and WW Size add-on.

No updates are needed for the condoms.

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