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OR - Nephele as The Hermit of GF (and Traditional Witch)  

Upload: 17 Apr 2022, 07:28
Created by: Zero [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
OR - Nephele as The Hermit of GF (and Traditional Witch)

The new NPC will act as a hermit in Granite Falls in a secret area deep in the forest (besides, she is a vampire and an adherent of traditional magic), you can also get information about traditional witchcraft from her. She has the additional trait "The Hermit" so that she can fulfill her role even after being placed in a family. It has its own autonomy, if there is a boiler on the site, it will brew potions. It is immune to sunlight.

You can also create your own hermit character by assigning a special hidden trait with the code " traits.equip_trait trait_isMasterHerbalist ".

The Witch of The  (to the Tray folder)
Zero_NepheleAsTheHermit.package  (to the Mods folder)

Werewolf Bloodlines

Werewolf Bloodlines

28 Apr 2023

Like Vampires, Werewolves can increase their numbers not only by having children, but also by biting others once they have the prerequisite ability to do so.

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