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Functional Beekeeper Box (More Wax and Honey Update)  

Upload: 06 May 2022, 07:55
Created by: icemunmun [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Functional Beekeeper Box (More Wax and Honey Update)

Adds a functional Beekeeper Box to the game.

I always loved the Beekeeper box from Sims 3 supernatural , so I decided to make something similar for sims 4 complete with swarming bees.This will be a nice addition for all the homegrown gardeners and farmers out there!

Catalog Details-

---- Found under - Misc Appliances. Search by 'Beebox' (yeah...real original name I have got there...)
---- Price - 300 Simoleons
---- 10 Presets

Interactions Available -

1. View - The sim admires the object as its a piece of beautiful art. They get a custom Buff for their effort
2. Smoke - Smoking helps to calm the bees and allows the sim to collect.
- Custom buff last for 6 hours
- Small chance of failure where the sim gets a custom uncomfortable buff and ends up with smoke coming out of their body

3. Collect - Interaction only becomes available if the Beebox has been successfully smoked (Successful smoking will last for 6 hours)
- Will randomly get Honey , Beeswax or the sim maybe bee stung for the effort (A notification will inform you of the outcome)
- Each of the above outcome is associated with a custom buff
- After an outcome, you must wait 2 hours for the Collect interaction to be available again


1. Honey -
--- When in Inventory, a ' Craft Jar of honey' Interaction appears. This will consume the honey, give a jar of honey and custom buff

--- Honey is Edible
--- Jar of Honey is drinkable (You also get a nice custom buff)
--- Both honey and Honey Jar can be sold from the inventory and using City Living craft tables.

2. Beeswax -

--- Can be sold from inventory and City Living Craft Tables
---( Will be utilized later for a Custom candle Making Table I am working on)

Custom Buffs

1. Beehive - from viewing the Beebox (Duration - 3 hours , Mood - Focused )
2. Smoked Beehive - from smoking the Beebox (Duration - 6 hours , Mood - Focused )
3. Smoked Sim - failure action from smoking the Beebox (Duration - 1 hour , Mood - Uncomfortable )
4. Collected Honey - Collecting Honey (Duration - 2 hours , Mood - Focused )
5. Collected Wax - Collecting Wax (Duration - 2 hours , Mood - Focused )
6. Bee stung - Failure action of Collect interaction (Duration - 2 hour , Mood - Uncomfortable)
7. Sweet Honey - From crafting Jar of Honey (Duration - 3 hours , Mood - Happy)
8. Homemade Honey - Drinking Jar of Honey (Duration - 3 hours , Mood - Happy)

iBots Mod 221.6 kB

iBots Mod

06 May 2022
2 478

These robots are smart and organized; giving you more control over what happens to them. They have all new features and everything can be done with just the base game! You can either program iBots yourself, or people can learn how to program them.

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