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The Spellbook Injector  

Upload: 24 Mar 2022, 13:02
Created by: r3m [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
The Spellbook Injector

The Spellbook Injector is a utility mod that loads custom spells into the game. These spells won't override any EAxian tuning, which ensures that creations from different modders will be compatible!

If you're a modder interested in making new spells for Spellcasters, then this is for you! The Spellbook Injector will take care of all the scripting required to inject a new spell, so you don't have to worry about maintaining a Python script. Instead you can focus on the tuning of you spell.

I have included both a PDF tutorial and a Tuning Description that will serve as useful guides to create your own spell. Do note though that this tutorial is meant for modders that have previous experience with XML tuning. I presupose familiarity with tuning resources, string tables, and some modding lingo.

Soup Of The Day 35.27 MB

Soup Of The Day

28 Jun 2023

Sooo ... originaly I planned to make a few soups and to add them to the Keto Cookbook, however I ended up making 25 different types of soups, so it only made sence to create a custom pot for their preparation!

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