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Custom VFX Resource  

Upload: 24 Mar 2023, 09:25
Created by: MizoreYukii [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

Since custom visual effects (VFX) requires editing a single file in order to work in-game and only one can be installed at a time, I've put together a community resource to avoid conflicts. 

Mod Users:

This is just a mod resource, similar to XML Injector or Venue lists, so download and install like normal for the mods that may require it. Creators will let you know if it's required in the mod description or mark it as required on CurseForge.

There are no known conflicts and will remain that way as long as all creators making custom VFX submit to this resource.

If you use Andrew's VFX Player and would like to play some of the VFX, check the "CustomVFXList" text file. Note that for the majority of VFX you must have the related mod installed to see the VFX play, though most converted TS3/TSM files are included.


If you are wanting to make and use custom VFX in a mod, please see the GitHub for submission instructions so that it can be included in the resource. If you need help with your mod or VFX, or CC or poses/animations, join the Creator Musings Discord server. It's an active creator community for all levels with help channels, resources, and tutorials.

Mood Altering Tea Pot

Mood Altering Tea Pot

10 Jul 2022

Someone requested moodlet-giving tea in the forum, and never returned, but I made it anyway. 10 teapot swatches + 10 custom teas + hot chocolate

No Servo Idle Animation 1 KB

No Servo Idle Animation

07 May 2022

Don't you hate it when you are playing with servos and you create one with the intent of being an actual robot with little to no expression? Well this mod removes the animations where the Servo Bot is idle and starts playing around with his arms or starts to act like as if he/she is doing the

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