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Disable Alien Glow  

Upload: 07 May 2023, 07:05
Created by: eluegar123 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Disable Alien Glow

This mod does what the title said.

Your aliens glow when their emotions change and with this mod that glow will be disabled.

I only make the vfx disappear, other sims will still discover you are an alien if you have extreme emotions.

Better Autonomy Gamma

Better Autonomy Gamma

08 Jul 2022
1 092

Autonomy is a nightmare in Sims—for me, at least. During my first (successful) legacy challenge, I turned off autonomy for over 400 interactions using MC Tuner because the whole thing drove me nuts. Stop playing games. Stop watching TV. Stop mixing drinks.

Simillionaire Aspiration

Simillionaire Aspiration

21 Jun 2023

The Fabulously Wealthy Aspiration is a great idea, but it considers about 250,000 to be wealthy? My Sims have greater dreams. They want to become Simillionaires! This mod uses cash plus home lot value to determine net worth.

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